1995;76(11):793–8. Side-lying was reported to reduce DLCO in comparison to sitting in the third study [21]. As seen in this review, a change in body position may have varying implications depending on the patient populations. First, in sitting, abdominal organs are higher, interfering with diaphragmatic motion, thus enabling smaller inspiration. PubMed Google Scholar. 2009;54(3):334–9. Two authors (E-LM, SK) independently scored each study using the technique from Kunstler et al. In contrast, diffusion capacity, as assessed by DLCO, increases in the supine position in healthy subjects while the effect in CHF patients is thought to depend upon pulmonary circulation pressure. 2015 May-Jun;65(3):217-21. doi: 10.1016/j.bjan.2014.06.001. Muscle Nerve. Nine studies that compared standing or sitting positions vs. supine or RSL and LSL found higher PEF in standing and sitting [3, 22,23,24, 31, 45,46,47,48]. 2011;13(2):131–2. Hathaway EH, Tashkin DP, Simmons MS. Intraindividual variability in serial measurements of DLCO and alveolar volume over one year in eight healthy subjects using three independent measuring systems. FEV1 was also higher in erect positions. Yap JC, Moore DM, Cleland JG, Pride NB. Third, the back of the chair may limit thoracic expansion. 2015;2(1):00026 http://medcraveonline.com/JLPRR/JLPRR-02-00026.php. https://doi.org/10.1183/13993003.00016-2016. Table S1. Another study reported a statistically and clinically significant increase in FVC in standing vs. sitting, supine, RSL, and LSL and in sitting vs. supine, RSL and LSL [31]. In healthy subjects, DLCO was higher in the supine vs. sitting, and in sitting vs. side-lying positions. 2017 ERS/ATS standards for single-breath carbon monoxide uptake in the lung. In sitting, the diaphragm is restricted on intake capacity. Respir Care. The effect of body position on vital capacity was evaluated in six studies of healthy subjects [21, 24, 28, 39, 43, 44]. Kunstler BE, Cook JL, Freene N, et al. Google Scholar. One study [21] reported higher DLCO in sitting vs. side lying while another study [20] found no difference between these positions. Ray and associates studied 43 … The dependent hemi-diaphragm is stretched to a good length for tension generation, while the nondependent hemi-diaphragm is more flattened. In another study [33], FEV1 was higher in supine vs. sitting in patients with complete tetraplegia, while in patients with incomplete injury there was no significant difference between positions. One study [22] reported a decrease of 120 ml in FEV1 from sitting to standing, which is statistically but not clinically significant. 1). In COPD patients, no statistically significant change in DLCO was found between the sitting and the supine position [57]. Vital capacity (VC) is the maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after a maximum inhalation.It is equal to the sum of inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and expiratory reserve volume.It is approximately equal to Forced Vital Capacity (FVC). Pediatr Pulmonol. A cross-sectional study conducted between August 2008 and January 2009 in a hospital in Salvador/BA. N Engl J Med. Neurology. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Another study [18] found no significant difference in diffusion capacity between the sitting and the supine positions. As cardiac dimension increases, lung volume, mechanical function, and diffusion capacity decrease [61, 62]; thus, the heart weighs on the diaphragm while sitting and on one of the lungs while in a side-lying position. However, other studies found no difference in PImax in sitting vs. supine [28, 39, 55], or sitting vs. RSL and LSL [3, 55]. SK, E-LM, NA, AR, YZ critically reviewed and revised the manuscript for intellectual content. 2000;34(6):440–4. Laying down the body has … In patients with ALS, supine FVC is a test of diaphragmatic weakness [65] that predicts orthopnea [25] and prognosis for survival [66, 67]. Kim M-K, Hwangbo G. The effect of position on measured lung function in patients with spinal cord injury. Varrato J, Siderowf A, Damiano P, Gregory S, Feinberg D, McCluskey L. Postural change of forced vital capacity predicts some respiratory symptoms in ALS. Diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide. In patients with neuromuscular disorders, performing PFTs in the supine position may help to assess diaphragmatic function. Influence of posture on respiratory function and respiratory muscle strength in normal subjects. PEF, PEmax, and PImax were found to increase in upright positions in healthy subjects [3, 23, 24, 46, 48, 50, 51] and in those with lung diseases [31, 46, 47]. The effect of positions on spirometric values in obese asthmatic patients. Patient cooperation during lung function testing strongly influences results. Among those with obesity, FEV1 was higher in sitting vs. supine both before and after bariatric surgery [41]. The diaphragm increases its inspiratory excursion in the supine position because its muscle fibers are longer at end expiration, and they operate at a more effective point of their length-tension curve [69,70,71]. [16]. The norms of those functions according to gender and age were established from tests performed in this position. However, the difference in sitting vs. supine was not significant among patients with obesity (mean BMI 44–45) [41, 43] or CHF [27], and was higher in sitting vs. supine in patients after bariatric surgery (mean BMI 31) [41]. 2010;11(1–2):194–202. Spirometry in the supine position improves the detection of diaphragmatic weakness in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. BMC Pulmonary Medicine In COPD patients, there was no change in DLCO between sitting and supine [57]. Seven studies evaluated the effect of body position on diffusion capacity; six included healthy subjects [18, 20, 21, 24, 56, 57], three included patients with CHF [18, 21, 58], and one included COPD patients [57]. 2009;73(15):1218–26. Only 7/43 studies reported sample size calculations required to reach statistical power. What does this extreme example tell us? Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. 2016 Jan;10(1):KC01-6. 2013;17(5):435–41. Lung Pulm Resp Res. Ganapathi LV, Vinoth S. The estimation of pulmonary functions in various body postures in normal subjects. J Appl Physiol (1985). Three studies evaluated patients with neuromuscular diseases [25, 34, 38]. Risk of bias was assessed as moderate in 41 studies and low in two. CAS 2014. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/study-quality-assessment-tools. (2004), reported that slumped posture significantly reduced the lung capacity, compared with that … First, while the kinematic analysis was performed in both sitting and supine position, the pulmonary function tests were performed in sitting position only. hard for diaphragm to move down What happens … The Forced Vital Capacity consists of a forced expiration in the spirometer followed by a forced inspiration. Chen et al 1 found that the vital capacity of an able-bodied subject was enhanced in the standing posture, which Druz and Sharp 21 attributed to an increase in the activation of the ribcage inspiratory muscles and the diaphragm in the upright posture. This is a pity, as we know that a drop in vital capacity (VC), when a patient goes from sitting to supine position, is a sign of diaphragm paralysis. Lechtzin N, Wiener CM, Shade DM, Clawson L, Diette GB. 1998;89(1):1–7. A total of 43 studies fully met inclusion criteria and were included in the review (Fig. Eur J Appl Physiol. Respir Care. Saxena J, Gupta S, Saxena S. A study of change of posture on the pulmonary function tests : can it help COPD patients? Linn WS, Adkins RH, Gong H Jr, Waters RL. Additionally, the posture of a person at any given time determines their vital capacity. Another study in asthmatic patients reported FEV1 to be higher in standing vs. sitting, supine, RSL, and LSL, and in sitting vs. supine, RSL and LSL [31]. The decreased PImax observed in the supine position could be related to diaphragm overload by abdominal content displacement during maximal inspiratory effort, which could offset improved diaphragm position on the length-tension curve. Three studies investigated diffusion capacity in patients with CHF [18, 21, 58]. In subjects with obesity (mean BMI 36.7) no significant difference was reported between standing and sitting [32]. The change in DLCO was probably related to the change in alveolar blood volume, most likely due to differences in pulmonary artery pressure and heart dimensions [58]. This may explain why a study that included participants with a mean age of 61 [21] found no difference in DLCO between sitting and supine. In patients with SCI, FEV1 was recently reported to increase from sitting to supine [40]; however, other studies found that the effect of position on FEV1 in those with SCI depends on the level and extent of injury. In SCI patients with complete tetraplegia PEF was found to be 12% higher in the supine vs. sitting position [33]. Pulmonary-function testing. In subjects with obesity, no difference in VC was reported between the sitting and supine positions [41, 43]. Peak expiratory flow: conclusions and recommendations of a working Party of the European Respiratory Society. Patient cooperation is very important as well. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jpts/14/1/14_1_1/_pdf/-char/en. Effect of supine posture on respiratory mechanics in chronic left ventricular failure. Effect of supine posture on airway blood flow and pulmonary function in stable heart failure. 2009;90(8):1414–7. Palermo P, Cattadori G, Bussotti M, Apostolo A, Contini M, Agostoni P. Lateral decubitus position generates discomfort and worsens lung function in chronic heart failure. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. The differences did not always reach statistical significance. 3 d) What is the relationship between age and standing vital capacity? When treating patients with heart, lung, SCI, neuromuscular disease, or obesity, one should take into consideration that pulmonary physiology and function are influenced by body position. Another group [37] reported no significant change in FEV1 between the sitting and supine positions for a pooled group of patients with SCI, but in the subgroup of patients with incomplete motor injury and in those with incomplete thoracic motor injury there was a decrease in the supine position. Article Explaining the patient how to perform the test is key to get a good result. Braz J Phys Ther. The primary literature search was conducted by SK and E-LM. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. Am J Cardiol. When performing pulmonary function tests, body position plays a role in its influence over test results. Most studies in this systematic review of 43 papers evaluating the effect of body position on pulmonary function found that pulmonary function improved with more erect posture in both healthy subjects and those with lung disease, heart disease, neuromuscular diseases, and obesity. In side-lying positions, the heart weighs on one lung, compressing both the airways and lung parenchyma, leading to a reduction in FEV1 and FVC due to airway compression [21]. 2015;60(7):992–9. Three studies included subjects with congestive heart failure (CHF) [18, 21, 27]. The authors attributed the difference in responses to variations in pulmonary circulation pressures. Effect of different body positioning on lung function variables among patients with bronchial asthma. In side-lying positions, even though only the dependent hemi-diaphragm is displaced, the effect on FVC appears to be similar to that observed in a supine position [59]. The actual relationship between standing height and vital capacity is due to not only to developmental genes but also to an individual’s diet and environment during the developmental period. Chest. Baumann F, Henderson RD, Morrison SC, et al. Vital capacity is at the highest level while standing. Upright and sitting values in an adult population. Scand J Rehabil Med. Arch Physiother Global Res. Privacy In subjects with SCI, PEmax was significantly higher in sitting vs. supine for all subjects, and for patients with motor complete injury or incomplete cervical motor injury [37]. Chest. 2002;121(2):436–42. Accessed 29 May 2018. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Some studies investigating healthy subjects included convenience samples of young participants, mainly students. Accessed 12 Aug 2018. statement and Vilke GM, Chan TC, Neuman T, Clausen JL. McCoy EK, Thomas JL, Sowell RS, et al. Keywords: Postural changes in lung volumes and respiratory resistance in subjects with obesity. Data from included studies was extracted by four authors (NA, AR, SK, E-LM.) In patients with SCI, the effect is more complex and depends on the severity and level of injury. Body position influences the results of PFTs, but the optimal position and magnitude of the benefit varies between study populations. Razi E, Moosavi GA. independently and in consultation when questions arose. De S. Comparison of spirometric values in sitting versus standing position among patients with obstructive lung function. Effects of body positions on respiratory muscle activation during maximal inspiratory maneuvers. A total of 972 abstracts identified in the search were screened by the same two researchers, and full text of 151 potentially relevant articles was obtained. Age may attenuate this increase [76]. Ceridon ML, Morris NR, Olson TP, Lalande S, Johnson BD. By using this website, you agree to our Respiration. Epub 2016 Jan 1. 2005;26(5):948–68. Badr C, Elkins MR, Ellis ER. In COPD patients, PEmax was higher in standing or sitting vs. supine or RSL [46], and was higher in standing and sitting vs. RSL in patients with cystic fibrosis [47]. 2000;45(4):407–10. The authors wish to thank Prof. Ora Paltiel, a specialist in Internal Medicine, Hematology, and Oncology who also holds a doctorate in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, for her invaluable assistance in selecting the optimal tools for assessment of the quality of evidence and potential for bias of studies included in this systematic review. Ben-Dov I, Zlobinski R, Segel MJ, Gaides M, Shulimzon T, Zeilig G. Ventilatory response to hypercapnia in C(5-8) chronic tetraplegia: the effect of posture. HHS Forced vital capacity (FVC), the maximum amount of air that can be exhaled when blowing out as fast as possible ... there should be no difference in the amount of air the patient can exhale from a sitting position compared to a standing position as long as they are sitting up straight and there are no restrictions. Effect of body positions on lungs volume in asthmatic patients: a cross-sectinal study. Shallow breathing means less oxygen into your system. 2014;37(9):719–25. The body is most able to expand in every direction when standing because the muscles are in full response mode. Methods: A search to identify English-language papers published from 1/1998-12/2017 was conducted using MEDLINE and Google Scholar with key words: body position, lung function, lung mechanics, lung volume, position change, positioning, posture, pulmonary function testing, sitting, standing, supine, ventilation, and ventilatory change. Cite this article. Effects of body position on resting lung volume in overweight and mildly to moderately obese subjects. Methods: Pellegrino R, Viegi G, Brusasco V, et al. 2003 Nov;47(10):1270-5. doi: 10.1046/j.1399-6576.2003.00240.x. The position of the subject is important while measuring lung volumes and capacities . Nevertheless, it is important to note that in these debilitated patients with SCI, even a small change in FVC is probably clinically significant. 1982;53(5):1175–83. In patients with SCI, testing also in the supine position may provide important information. Manning F, Dean E, Ross J, Abboud RT. However, people who suffer from neuromuscular disease, morbid obesity, and other conditions may find it difficult to sit or stand during this test, which may influence their results. Google Scholar. Accessed 29 May 2018. Changes in body position can affect several measurements of pulmonary function. This improvement is attributed to the moderate increase in alveolar blood volume in the supine position due to recruitment of lung capillary bed on transition from upright to supine. However, other studies [21, 24, 28, 40] did not find significant difference for FEV1 between sitting and supine, RSL, and LSL. Quanjer PH, Lebowitz MD, Gregg I, Miller MR, Pedersen OF. Effect of body position on maximal expiratory pressure and flow in adults with cystic fibrosis. Supine fall in lung volumes in the assessment of diaphragmatic weakness in neuromuscular disorders. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. | Poussel M, Kaminsky P, Renaud P, Laroppe J, Pruna L, Chenuel B. Supine changes in lung function correlate with chronic respiratory failure in myotonic dystrophy patients. Sci, FVC was higher in the spirometer followed by a forced inspiration, NA, contributed! Between sitting and supine positions ventricular failure all other inspiratory muscles can expand even,... Legs, and 108 articles not fulfilling the inclusion criteria were excluded (.. Paralysis in tetraplegic and paraplegic patients ( CHF ) [ 18 ] found significant! The data ) in different positions to enable a better comparison of outcomes fulfilling the inclusion criteria were (... ; Howkins, 1948 ) function in chronic spinal cord injury, VC was between. For all positions except the prone vs. supine position, the effect of positions on respiratory function and Tolerance. 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