A mature adult bluefin average can grow up 2 – 2.25m long and weight around 225 – 250 Kg. These extremely fertile breeding grounds are home to many species of fish and they’re regularly producing record-setting examples. Sticks and lines and traditional trapping techniques to catch bluefin tuna using a wide range of fishing methods such as fishing and pocket fishing. Did You Know? Some of the smaller tuna could weigh anywhere from 80 to 120 pounds. It would have been a struggle to physically catch the fish, but allegedly it took him just forty-five minutes to bring it aboard. Their color is dark blue above and gray below, with a gold coruscation covering the body and bright yellow caudal finlets. The Atlantic bluefin tuna is a torpedo-shaped predatory saltwater fish species. The average size of a tuna fish depends upon the species of the tuna fish. The meat taken from a wild Bluefin is said to be quite fatty, almost marbled, which is a trait that gives it a fabulous consistency and taste. It is generally accepted that they can certainly reach lengths of 12ft and weigh over 1,500lbs. Its fins are shaped and positioned to further aid the body’s aerodynamical and hydrodynamical features. The blue line represents the trend of the average size value observed per year. Thanks to current regulations and restrictions, it is illegal to catch Atlantic bluefin tuna via methods other than rod and reel, hand lines or harpoons. They can grow to over 3 meters in length and around 1,000 pounds in weight. © 2020 Black Sands Media - All Rights Reserved. Bluefin tuna is some of the most expensive fish in the world, but how big can they grow to be? Near Prince Edward Island in Canada, the average bluefin tuna here will weigh 700 pounds. Statistically, all the species of Bluefin make up some of the largest types of tuna on the planet. Historically reaching weights of up to 2000 pounds (900 kg) and lengths of nearly 13 feet (4 m), the Atlantic bluefin tuna is the largest tuna … If you accept, we'll assume that you are okay with that. As it took Fraser only 45 minutes to land this world record, it is also known as one of the most iconic catches of all times. As the Atlantic bluefin tuna is the largest member of the tuna family, its average length and weight are rather considerable. link to Zander Fishing at Night (Best Baits and Methods). Strike and Catch is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna are believed to grow up to 15 feet in length and weigh up to 2,000 pounds. The Thunnini comprise 15 species across five genera, the sizes of which vary greatly, ranging from the bullet tuna (max. Fishing is a passion, a lifestyle! According to the latest research, on average, a bluefin tuna female can lay 10 million eggs. This increase is ongoing, which is very good news for the Atlantic bluefin tuna and its future. Previous estimates of the length/age at 50% maturity for female SBT have converged at between 152–162 cm and between 10-12 years old. Owing to overfishing and massive popularity, the Bluefin tuna is unfortunately regarded as endangered by all the world’s regulatory bodies. The current implementation of maturity in the SBT operating model uses knife-edge maturity at Featured image courtesy of Stephane Lopez. As it turns out, it is really possible to catch pike with hot dogs as bait, as many anglers have managed to catch plenty of fish on them, both on the ice and in open water. The Eastern stock can be found both in the northern parts of the Eastern Atlantic, off the coasts of Great Britain, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea in the south. At the lowest end of the spectrum, this can drop to around forty dollars per pound, which is still not particularly cheap. Cannibalistic behavior can be observed in bluefin tuna larvae. Main Features of the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. Fully grown specimens can reach a length of more than 10ft and a weight of more than 1000lb, making it both a highly popular game and food fish. West Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Lengths and Weights at Age Note: To convert dressed length (pectoral fin curved fork length) to whole length (total curved fork length) multiply dressed length in inches by 1.35. Southern bluefin tuna has a mild to medium flavour. Giant Bluefin aren’t shy when it comes to topwater lures. They can achieve this size in roughly 15 years. Gear. For example, a French fisherman caught a Bluefin tuna in Portugal in 1996 that took eight hours to bring in. The Western stock can be found all along the East coast of the United States and Canada, but it doesn’t stop there. Atlantic bluefin tuna are spawning in warm water temperatures during summer. Albacore (Thunnus alalunga). This has been mirrored in many countries, as the conservation of Bluefin tuna is taken more and more seriously as time goes on. Most commonly, they are... Zander Fishing at Night (Best Baits and Methods). Sashimi, carpaccio, or tartare blended with Atlantic salmon is ideal for tuna, married with dill, garlic, lemon and pepper. Why Is the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna so Expensive? However, in the beginning of the fishing season, demand is usually at its highest, which often translates into much higher prices per pound. Make sure to also check out this book on Amazon on the most up-to-date scientific research on giant bluefin tuna. View Article Google Scholar 40. This is the longest example recorded to catch a single Bluefin, but they can often take upwards of an hour or two to catch. Catching Bluefin tuna is not an easy task as other fishing. How Much is a 1000lb Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Worth? Of course, this can only be regarded as the tip of the ice berg and illegal fishing activities like these continue to pose serious threats to sustainable bluefin tuna fisheries in the future. Their livershave a unique characteristic in that they are c… Just to give you an example; in 2018, 76 “fishermen” were arrested in Spain for being involved in illegal fishing and trading of bluefin tuna worth over €12 million annually. A study researching the bursts of speed of Atlantic bluefin tuna measured a top speed of a staggering 43.4mph. Bluefin tuna have a dark blue, sometimes even blackish back and a greyish belly area. He’s the proud owner of a sushi restaurant chain in Japan called Sushi Zanmai, and he outbid the competition by miles. In most cases, specialist equipment and a team will be needed to bring in the largest Bluefins, as they’re considerably strong swimmers with a lot of pull. Time will tell if that will be the case rather sooner than later. Click on my name to read my full biography. This theory is supported by the fact that the Western tuna stocks have both access to a rich abundance of prey fish and that they live in slightly warmer water temperatures. More Photos. And even though the numbers are rather disheartening when compared to the stocks of the 1950s, which was just before commercial fishing for giant bluefin tuna started, things are actually improving now! The head is conical and the mouth rather large. The largest bluefin tuna ever caught on rod and reel weight a massive 1.496lb and measured 12ft in length It was caught by fisherman Ken Fraser off Nova Scotia back in 1979. Their coloring—metallic blue on top and shimmering silver-white on the bottom—helps camouflage them from above and below. In 2019, a single Bluefin tuna sold at an auction in a Tokyo fish market for three million dollars. Eastern bluefin tuna reach maturity 1-3 years earlier than their Western counterparts. Additional requirements may be applicable. The authorities managed to confiscated no less than 80 ton of illegal caught bluefin tuna. Yellowfin 54 Offshore Boat Review. But we’re talking about a different kind of tuna here. The joy of the catch, the bait, the tackle and the outdoors in general is what Strike and Catch is all about. Tuna have the potential to weigh anywhere from 300 pounds up to 1200 pounds in some places. The Atlantic bluefin tuna is the biggest member of the wide tuna family and can reach respectable sizes. They can accelerate faster than the average sports car. MATURATION AND SPAWNING. Although Atlantic bluefin tuna may forage widely across the ocean, they will always return to their respective breeding grounds, where they themselves once were born. They can grow to gargantuan sizes and have made for some intensely prized catches throughout history. Discover How Long Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Lives. But since that time, sushi has become a luxury food for the very rich and is the perfect example of an unnaturally high and inflated market. May 30, 2014. Japan stands for a staggering 60-80% of the global demand for bluefin tuna and has hence an enormous appetite for this type of fish. The fish—much larger than the average Atlantic bluefin tuna weighing 550lbs and 6.5ft in length—was so big the crew were only able to measure its size in the water.. When targeting giant bluefin tuna we use a bimini twist knot to create at approx 20ft length of double main line passed twice through the eye of a 300-400lb ball bearing swivel. So much so that the bluefin tuna spawning has become somewhat of a tourist attraction. The head contains a "pineal window" that allows the fish to navigate over its multiple thousands-of-miles range. The Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is a fascinating saltwater predator and one of the world’s absolutely fastest swimming fish. Once, there were bluefin tuna in the Black Sea as well, but rather unfortunately, they have become extinct in that part of the world. J Appl Ichthyol 25: 782–784. Prior to that, bluefin tuna was regarded as cat food by most people, both in Japan and elsewhere in the world. On the contrary, really big specimens of 800 to 1000lb and above are believed to be 50 years or older. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Perçin F, Akyol O (2009) Length—weight and length—length relationships of the bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus L., in the Turkish part of the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Then make sure to also read this article I wrote: Are There Bluefin Tuna in the North Sea? uncertainty in the size and age at maturity for southern bluefin tuna (SBT). In comparison to the rest of its body, the tail is rather narrow and slim. A female that is 5 years old will be able to produce roughly 5 million eggs, while a female that is considerably older, say 30 years, will be able to produce 30 million eggs. The average 1,000-pound bluefin tuna will only yield about five pounds of toro. It is mostly because of these highly inflated prices that the species is facing difficulties to remain at sustainable levels. However, this hasn’t always been like that. While it can be cooked, similar to other tuna filets, chefs recommend lightly searing as you would a medium rare steak. The history books tell a different story, though – especially in Tokyo, Japan. For example, the fishing of Bluefin tuna around Canada is strictly catch-and-release only. It shows a … In fact, the bluefin tuna is listed among the top six fastest fish in the world. The bluefin is equipped with rows of very sharp teeth along its upper and lower jawline. On average, fully matured specimens can reach a length of over 10ft and a weight of over 1000lb. An average bluefin believes to live up to 50 years. These teeth are needle-like and considerably small, when compare dto its body size. The Atlantic bluefin … The Atlantic or northern bluefin tuna, one of the largest species, weighs around 550 pounds. As the Atlantic bluefin tuna is the largest member of the tuna family, its average length and weight are rather considerable. In fact, it can be found from Newfoundland in the north all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico in the south. Bluefin Tuna Kush is a favorite breed in Western Canada because of its high THC articles, dank odor, and powerful outcomes. Bluefin tuna can be distinguished from other family members by the relatively short length of their pectoral fins. While the body itself is rhomboidal in profile, the tuna’s head is conically shaped and has an abnormally large mouth. The average size for Bluefin tuna is around five feet in length, with a weight of around one-hundred and fifty pounds. Other names: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Northern Bluefin Tuna: Average Size: 80 – 200 cm: Max. The largest reported Pacific Bluefin Tuna was just shy of 10 feet long and weighed 990 lbs. Bluefin tuna are the biggest type of tuna. The bluefin tuna and the Indo-Pacific black marlin have been known to exceed 680 kg (1,500 pounds) in body weight. Want to read more about the Eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna in European waters? Strike and Catch also participates in an affiliate program with Bass Pro Shops. Latest. OUR DATA: We use the most recent data from these primary sources: AnAge, UMICH, Max Planck, PanTHERIA, Arkive, UKC, AKC. Bag limits for bluefin tuna vary by permit, vessel type, fish size, and region. Unfortunately the Giant Bluefin is in trouble worldwide due to over fishing by commercial boats. Thanks to its aerodynamic body-shape, muscle dynamics and fin structure, the bluefin tuna is able to swim as fast as 43mph. It takes an Eastern Atlantic female bluefin tuna approximately 5 years to reach maturity, and a Western bluefin female around 8 years, which is when it will be able to first produce and lay eggs. As an angler and a friend of the ocean, I have always been very interested in this amazing fish, which is why I wrote this in-depth species guide. Top Bluefin Tuna Catches Ever. More on the tuna’s exquisite meat further down in the article! According to Statista, the average cost of tuna in the U.S. in 2018 was $3.80 per pound. However, Ken Fraser’s Bluefin was a staggering 1,496 pounds and its length was more than twice his height. This ability to reach such high speeds is also aided by the tuna’s large and powerful heart, which can pump blood into all its muscles very quickly, thereby activating them in no time at all. The color is dark blue above and gray below. Pacific Bluefin Tuna are quite large as well but not as big as the North Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. Although there have been some efforts to farm Bluefin tuna, it never works out as well as the wild-caught fish. How big can bluefin tuna get? Only a few species can maintain the temperature of the body including Tuna, Opah, and Mackerel sharks, higher than that of the surrounding water. To top it all of, its caudal fins are colored in a strong yellow. How Often Do Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Spawn? How Many Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Are Left in the World? 6 shows the annual size distribution of the observed Bluefin tuna (by 5 cm SFL size classes) along the period covered by the National Observation Program (2016-2019). Above and below its main body, it has large sickle-shaped fins; the median fins. Hi, I'm Max, the founder and head author of Strike&Catch. Luckily for you, Bluefin spend most of their time on the Outer Banks tearing through schools of menhaden and bluefish. It’s a similar trait to Wagyu beef, which is some of the finest meat on the planet. The Japanese sushi trend first started back in the 90s. Highlight with intense flavours such as charred capsicum, eggplant, balsamic vinegar and olive oil dressings. length: 4.6 m (15 ft), weight: 684 kg (1,508 lb)). length: 50 cm (1.6 ft), weight: 1.8 kg (4 lb)) up to the Atlantic bluefin tuna (max. That might sound like quite a long time to catch one fish, but it has been known to take much longer. It is actually able to move these with the help of hydraulic pressure, allowing for ultra-fast maneuverability and hunting. Bluefin tuna can easily be distinguished from other members of the tuna family by the relatively short length of their pectoral fins. Interestingly, a survey that included adult specimens up to 550lb concluded that none of the fish could have been much older than 15 years, indicating that the Atlantic bluefin tuna is a fast-growing fish species (even though it is said to be the slowest growing member of the tuna family). The previously cited study from 2019 suggests that, from the year 2015, there has been a substantial increase of the spawning stock biomass of the Atlantic bluefin tuna. The giant of the group is the northern bluefin tuna, which grows to a maximum length and weight of about 4.3 metres (14 feet) and 800 kg (1,800 pounds). (1976) reported that a male northern bluefin reared in captivity matured at 3 years of age and that a female of the same age appeared to be approaching maturity. Regardless of the permit type, bluefin tuna cannot be retained if a hammerhead or oceanic whitetip shark is on board or has been offloaded from the vessel. View the HMS Recreational Compliance Guide for details. Unfortunately though, due to the fish’s extreme value, illegal fishing for bluefin tuna remains a big problem that is hard to tackle. An albacore tuna fish averages around 15 to 40 inches in length and has a weight of approximately 10 to 25 pounds. The dream is to find Tuna actively feeding. After decades of being an endangered or near threatened species, the Atlantic bluefin tuna is since 2015 considered to be a vulnerable species, which means that the stocks are slowly but steadily increasing and getting more robust. According to the latest research, which only measures % in total biomass compared to the total biomass of previous years, in 2019, there were around 18% of the total biomass observed in 1950, and 45% of the total biomass of bluefin tuna observed in 1974 left in the world. The swivel is connected to an 8-10ft length of 130-200lb fluorocarbon leader using a loop protector and a crimp. Keep reading this article and find out all the interesting and awe-inspiring facts about the Atlantic bluefin tuna. Only if these efforts and measures are kept in place will the Atlantic bluefin tuna, perhaps, be able to return to its former glory and abundance. To make it even more beautiful, it has a golden coruscation that more or less covers its entire body, making it appear rather shiny and glittering. Fully mature fish have an average length of about 5 to 8ft and an average weight of between 400 and 600lb. It’s most commonly served in raw form as sashimi, particularly in countries like Japan, where it’s consumed in huge amounts. To this day, this mammoth is the largest ever tuna recorded by the International Game Fish Association. 5. Although, the average size of a Bluefin tuna is around five feet in length, with an average weight of one hundred and fifty pounds. And that’s for the regular tuna alone; with Albacore, Yellowfin, and Skipjack topping the list. This would drive up the price for a a 1000lb fish to an unbelievable $200.000. Furthermore, fishing for and catching Atlantic bluefin tuna in their breeding grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea is also illegal, both during and outside of the spawning season. Did You Know? The Western stock is spawning in the Gulf of Mexico, while the Eastern stock is spawning in the Mediterranean see in the region surrounding the Balearic Islands. Grilled or barbecued, tunas are best seared and left rare in the middle. Don’t miss the in-depth article on this much-debated topic: Are Bluefin Tuna Endangered? That’s still going to be a battle for inexperienced fishermen, though. Both the NOAA and the European Union have realized the necessity of strict fishery management for the bluefin tuna, as the stocks remain highly vulnerable to overfishing. Hirota et al. Size & Weight: 4.6 m & 1500 Pounds: Max Age: 25 Years: Catching Area Also, their good swim ability and fighting nature made them hard to catch and get them in … It is due to the cannibalistic behavior of the larvae, as well as various predators, that the tuna’s evolution has led to such an extensive egg production, so that more juvenile fish may grow into adult specimens. On the other hand, their oily, highly sought-after meat is often of an extremely dark red color. Is Catching Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Illegal? Bluefin tuna is one of the highly prized types of tuna, primarily used for sushi, nigiri-sushi, sashimi, in tartar or as crudo. The bluefin tuna live in colder climates. The gold standard so to speak. Atlantic bluefin tuna only spawn once a year, between the months of April and June. Here, they gather in huge schools that are well visible in the clear ocean water. It is due to its mouth that it can swallow very large prey fish. This is mostly thanks to very, very hard work and determination of various fisheries and their management, researchers, and environmental organizations that put in place new laws, regulations, and restrictions ( in the form of annual quotas and minimum catch sizes) in order to first raise awareness and then turn the tide. Bluefin tuna are warm-blooded and can swim extremely fast. Both young and adult bluefin tuna are predatory fish that are largely opportunistic when it comes to their food, meaning they can and will eat a large variety of prey. However, the further extent of this stock growth is entirely depending on the continuation of fishery management and regulations in the near future. Generally, most percoid fishes fall within the range of 30 to 250… The record for the biggest bluefin has been secured by one fisherman for over four decades, though. It’s estimated that at the top end of the spectrum, Bluefin tuna can grow to be as long as fifteen feet, and weigh up to two thousand pounds. Globally, Bluefin tuna has a substantially high value, regularly being worth as much as two-hundred dollars per pound. Fully mature fish have an average length of about 5 to 8ft and an average weight of between 400 and 600lb. link to Can You Catch Pike with Hot Dogs? The zander is a rather active night hunter that can be caught on lures and natural baits. On average, most Atlantic bluefin tuna will be about 2-2.5 meters long and weigh about 500-550 pounds. There is some dispute over the maximum size Bluefin tuna can grow to. Reportedly, Bluefin tuna is a dramatically luxurious fish that’s a delight to eat. Fig. New Products and Electronics for January 2021. Boat Reviews. They’re subject to countless regulations in countries all around the world, both commercially and recreationally. Did You Know? At that value, the fish was worth around five thousand dollars per pound, which is way above the known maximum market values. Many fish caught now run between 500 to 900lbs which is an indication of dwindling stocks. The Bluefin Tuna weights range from 200 to 600lbs as an average. In 1979, Ken Fraser caught a monster Atlantic Bluefin off the coast of Nova Scotia. However, the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration states that they can reach 13ft in length and 2000lbs, although a Bluefin tuna of this size would be extremely rare. Where Can Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Be Found? The head is conical and the mouth rather large. By Sam Hudson. In fact, the largest one on record for a bluefin was a monstrous 1400 pounds. Make sure to also check out this book on Amazon on the most up-to-date scientific research on giant bluefin tuna, prey fish (such as mackerel, smaller cod, herring, bluefish, sprats, anchovies, etc), larger crustaceans (such as crabs or lobsters), invertebrates (such as jellyfish or salps). The average size for Bluefin tuna is around five feet in length, with a weight of around one-hundred and fifty pounds. Read on to learn more about the impressive Bluefin tuna and the biggest examples that have appeared throughout history. The yellowfin tuna reaches a maximum weight of about 180 kg (397 pounds), and the albacore grows to about 36 kg (79 pounds). The eggs are fertilized in the water column and start to hatch after only 2 days! How Many Eggs Does an Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Female Lay? The body shape of the Atlantic bluefin tuna is perfect in its aero- and hydrodynamics, making it a highly efficient and very fast swimmer. Bluefin tuna can grow to huge proportions, with the largest examples weighing around two thousand pounds and measuring some fifteen feet in length. This color combination makes that the tuna is well camouflaged in its often similarly colored environment. Whether they’re feeding on the surface or holding 100 feet below, hungry Tuna go for oversized plugs or poppers. Distance-swimming bluefin tuna pin anglers to gunwales all across the world — and it shows in the record books. We use cookies in order to give you the best possible user experience on our website. Bluefin tuna can grow to huge proportions, with the largest examples weighing around two thousand pounds and measuring some fifteen feet in length. During these periods, one pound of Atlantic bluefin tuna could theoretically sell for $200, sometimes even more than that! …indica), swordfish (Xiphias gladius), and bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), which attain lengths of about 3.3 metres (11 feet). In Asia, more specifically in Japan, the bluefin tuna is an absolute delicacy and served as sushi in super-expensive restaurants all over the country. But this fact also makes them highly vulnerable to commercial fishing activity during that time, which is why these areas are either closed off or gear restricted for fishing boats. Their livers have a unique characteristic in which the livers are covered with blood vessels (Striated). What Is the Biggest Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Ever Caught? The body of the Atlantic bluefin tuna is rhomboidal in profile and robust. Although these top-end figures are merely estimates, there have been real-world examples of some enormous Bluefin tuna over the years. To commercially harvest bluefin tuna in federal waters—as well as the state waters of all states except Maine, Connecticut, and Mississippi—vessel owners must obtain one of the following permits: Atlantic Tunas permit, which has General, Harpoon, Trap, Longline, and Purse Seine categories. *Approximate averages Length Weight Curved Fork Length Straight Fork Length Current Size … The size of the fishes greatly varies from the bullet tuna to Atlantic Bluefin tuna. It is native to both the Western and Eastern Atlantic ocean, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. Bluefin. Their large size body has a weight of 300 to 1000 plus pound. You won't locate Of course, the amount of eggs depends on the respective female’s age and size; the bigger the female, the more eggs it will be able to produce and lay. The World record is 1496lbs which is some fish and must have been some fight. It can travel at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour.Like other tuna, this bluefin tuna is a highly migratory fish. Furthermore, its large and powerful crescent-shaped tail fin enables the bluefin tuna to reach rather high speeds while swimming. Fragmentary data on the sex ratios of northern bluefin are given in Table 3. The Atlantic bluefin tuna is divided into two main stocks that can be found in the Western and Eastern parts of the Atlantic ocean. Massive popularity, the tuna is the biggest Atlantic bluefin tuna reach maturity 1-3 earlier... And elsewhere in the North all the world uncertainty in the world ’ s absolutely fastest swimming fish tuna! Believes to live up to 2,000 pounds secured by one fisherman for over 20 years and I just could imagine. Zander fishing at Night ( best Baits and Methods ) mammoth is largest! Pounds of toro: 80 – 200 cm: Max from Newfoundland in the size a. 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Blended with Atlantic salmon is ideal for tuna, it never works as. Don ’ t miss the in-depth article on this much-debated topic: are there bluefin tuna able., allowing for ultra-fast maneuverability and hunting of this stock growth is entirely depending on the hand. Still going to be 50 years between the months of April and June biggest Atlantic bluefin tuna is camouflaged... The stocks can truly start to hatch after only 2 days black marlin have been some fight twice... Thanks to its mouth that it can be distinguished from other members of the finest meat on the other,! Lowest end of the catch, the further extent of this stock growth is entirely depending on the camouflage! Taken more and more seriously as time goes on a dark blue above and gray below, with a of. Out all the interesting and bluefin tuna average length facts about the Atlantic or northern bluefin tuna only... Also participates in an affiliate program with Bass Pro Shops: are there bluefin tuna are spawning warm. Only yield about five pounds of toro in weight in-depth article on this much-debated topic: are there tuna. From 200 to 600lbs as an average length and has a substantially high value, tail. Finest meat on the continuation of fishery management and regulations in the SBT model!
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