how to update core data records in ios, swift 4

AppDelegate else { !”, action: true) This cheat sheet is a handy reference to keep you productive with Core Data and Swift! self.imagePicker.sourceType = .camera; The persistent store coordinator handled the nitty-gritty details of inserting the list record into the persistent store. By creating a useful app for a small pizza restaurant, we will talk through all basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete Data) used in Core Data. All rights reserved. Because the fetch(_:) method is a throwing method, we wrap it in a do-catch statement. override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { Core Data: Insert/Update and Delete – iOS In this article, we will be talking about how to insert update and delete records using Core Data Framework. Core Data fetches the missing data from the persistent store to fill in the gaps. } } else if check(forBlanks: txtFieldEmail) { To avoid this scenario, we need to fetch every list record from the persistent store and only create a list record if the persistent store doesn't contain any list records yet. let alert = UIAlertController(title: title, message: message, preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle.alert) Before iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan, you had no other option but to fetch every record of the entity, mark it for deletion, and save the changes. We can fix that by updating the list record and saving the changes. if UIImagePickerController.isSourceTypeAvailable(.camera) { { In fetchRecordsForEntity(_inManagedObjectContext), we fetch every record for the entity we pass in as an argument and create an empty array of type [NSManagedObject] to store the result of the fetch request. NSData { imgUserImg.layer.borderWidth = 3.0 let rawString: String? The third print statement of the if clause shows us that data is no longer a fault. } Add a UIBarButtonItem, into the Navigation Controller on the UIViewController. func imagePickerControllerDidCancel(_ picker: UIImagePickerController) { This looks much better. Usually, CoreData utilizes an embedded SQLite database. @IBOutlet weak var txtFieldOtherDetails: UITextField! getDataFromDB() The Guide I Wish I Had When I Started Out, Join 20,000+ Developers Learning About Swift Development. The problem is easy to understand. I hope that you learned something new here. String We create a list record using the new helper method. @IBAction func btnSaveUpdateClicked(_ sender: Any) { As of iOS 13 and Xcode 11, the Xcode template for Core Data projects has an option to integrate CloudKit as well. // Created by Chandra Rao on 06/12/17. objectUpdate.setValue(UIImageJPEGRepresentation(imgUserImg.image!, 1), forKey: “image”) In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to get started with Realm Database in your own iOS app projects. save(name: txtFieldName.text!, email: txtFieldEmail.text!, others: txtFieldOtherDetails.text!) userObj.setValue(UIImageJPEGRepresentation(imgUserImg.image!, 1), forKey: “image”) The output also shows that the record's entity is the List entity. Core Data is clever enough, though. } To be very clear, Core Data is not a database it is just a framework built around SQLite so that models or Data in the applications can be managed. @IBOutlet weak var btnAdd: UIBarButtonItem! AppDelegate else { userObj.setValue(name, forKeyPath: “name”) let singleUser: [NSManagedObject] = [userList[indexPath.row] as NSManagedObject] Setting or updating a to-one relationship is identical to setting or updating an attribute. self.imagePicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.photoLibrary Take a closer look at the last print statement. This will change when we start working with NSManagedObject subclasses later in this series. } func check(forValidEmail textfield: UITextField) -> Bool { This tutorial introduces you to the basic features of Realm on iOS. } The only difference is that the value you pass to setValue(_:forKey:) is another managed object. return Basically, Core Data is a framework used to save, track, modify and filter the data within iOS apps, however, Core Data is not a Database. If you want to follow along, you can download the source files at the bottom of this tutorial. When an macOS application takes an unusually long time to launch and becomes unresponsive, the operating system changes the cursor to indicate this state. The implementation should look familiar if you read the previous tutorial. override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { } catch let error as NSError { @objc func handleTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) { self.imagePicker.allowsEditing = false let alertController = UIAlertController(title: “Alert!”, message: “PLease choose source.”, preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyle.actionSheet) return true Open AppDelegate.swift and implement the createRecordForEntity(_inManagedObjectContext) method as shown below. let entity = NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: “User”, in: managedContext)! Even though Core Data isn't perfect, it's great to see that Apple continues to invest in the framework. // String They all come with benefits and limitations, so make sure you choose the one that is the most appropriate for your use case. In this series, I will work with Xcode 7.1 and Swift 2.1. String Take a moment to let the implementation of application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) sink in. Core Data is great at managing object graphs. self.present(self.imagePicker, animated: true) { This means that Core Data needs to fire or resolve the fault. user.append(userObj) self.imagePicker.delegate = self When data is fetched from a persistent store, Core Data tries to be as efficient as possible in terms of memory usage. } Let me show you how that works. To add or remove an item from a list, we need to update the set of NSManagedObject instances. \(error), \(error.userInfo)”) } Integrating Core Data at iOS Startup. func check(forBlanks textfield: UITextField) -> Bool { Note that we only set the name and createdAt attributes if they don't have a value. @IBOutlet weak var lblNoRecords: UILabel! The implementation should look familiar if you read the previous tutorial. } View all posts by Chandra.rao, iOS Architecture and Development Environment Setup, Understanding First iPhone Application: Part-1, Part-2: Understanding First iPhone Application, Core Data: Insert/Update and Delete – iOS, Push Notifications for iOS : Updated iOS 10+, Push Notifications: How to Generate .pem file, Interview Questions on iOS App Development, Interview Questions on iOS App Development-part 2, Implementation of Linked List in Javascript. super.viewDidLoad() // Configure the view for the selected state do { imgUserImg.layer.borderColor = UIColor.lightGray.cgColor What I cover in this series on Core Data is applicable to iOS 7+ and OS X 10.10+, but the focus will be on iOS. guard let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? Open AppDelegate.swift and implement the createRecordForEntity(_inManagedObjectContext)method as shown below. How to Sync iPhone Core Data … addUpdateVCLR.ctrVariable = ctrVariable let emailTest = NSPredicate(format:“SELF MATCHES %@”, emailRegEx) In this article, we will be talking about how to insert update and delete records using Core Data Framework. If you’ve already bought the Core Data by Tutorials digital edition, you can download the new book immediately on the store page for the book. let trimmed: String? Have you noticed that the items relationship is also a fault. It was introduced in Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and iOS … super.setSelected(selected, animated: animated) But Core Data takes it a step further by allowing you to describe how its entities … imgUserImg.addGestureRecognizer(tapGesture) userObj.setValue(ctrVariable, forKeyPath: “id”) In the example, we updated the list relationship of the item record and we also updated the items relationship of the list record. Note: There is a UITableView and the UITableViewCell has a UIImageView as User Image, UITextField for Name and EMail only, UILabel in case of 0 records. // var userList: [NSManagedObject] = [] } Working with relationships is similar to working with attributes. userObj.setValue(others, forKeyPath: “others”) Home » Blog » App Development » Getting Started With Realm Database In Swift. let addUpdateVCLR : AddUpdateViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: “AddUpdateViewController”) as! To avoid cluttering application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:), we create another helper method, fetchRecordsForEntity(_inManagedObjectContext). Core Data is a framework I really enjoy working with. let managedContext = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() CRUD stands for: Create, Read, Update, Delete. private func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : AnyObject]) We execute the fetch request by passing it as an argument of the fetch(_:) method of the NSManagedObjectContext class. In this series, we build an application that is powered by Core Data and you learn everything you need to know to use Core Data in your own projects. Faulting is something you need to become familiar with if you plan to use Core Data. Because faulting is such an important feature of Core Data, we discuss it in detail in Mastering Core Data With Swift 3. userTableViewCell.imgViewUser.layer.cornerRadius = userTableViewCell.imgViewUser.frame.size.width / 2 Working with to-many and many-to-many relationships is different. The data is available, but Core Data hasn't fetched it from the persistent store to save memory and improve performance. } getDataFromDB() Before we dive into today's topic, I'd like to refactor the code we wrote in the previous tutorial by creating a generic method for creating records. class UserCell: UITableViewCell { iOS Data Persistence Final Words. } // Most of the time, it's something you don't need to worry about. import UIKit } A data model is a description of the data you want Core Data to store, and is a bit like creating a class in Swift: you define entities (like classes) and give them attributes (like properties). ctrVariable = userList.count fetchRequest.predicate = predicate let objectUpdate = test[0] as! UserCell override func touchesEnded(_ touches: Set, with event: UIEvent?) } tblListUser.isHidden = false Learn New technology, Code, Learn New Technology, Code, Death. do { tblListUser.reloadData() // Copyright © 2017 Chandra Rao. showAlert(withTitleMessageAndAction: “Sucess! We have lots of Core Data to explore, so please create a fresh project where we can try it out. } { imgUserImg.image = image objectUpdate.setValue(txtFieldEmail.text!, forKey: “email”) Most developers new to Core Data expect an array or an ordered set. These are all of the iOS Data Persistence APIs in Swift. Adding Core Data entity relationships: lightweight vs heavyweight migration. How to insert thousands of records in a MySQL table? Run the application several times in the simulator and inspect the output in the console. objectUpdate.setValue(txtFieldName.text!, forKey: “name”) We create an instance of the class by invoking init(entityName:), passing in the name of the entity we are interested in. We zoom in on Xcode's data model editor and we take a look at entities, attributes, and relationships. // MARK: – Action Methods // UserCell.swift // Whenever you update a record, Core Data loads the record into memory, updates the record, and saves the changes to the persistent store, a SQLit… // MARK: – UITableView Delegate / DataSource Methods return false Person will have two attributes name and ssn (social security number). To get the set of item records, we used a convenience method of the NSManagedObject class, mutableSetValue(forKey:). UIImage //2 If you prefer Objective-C, then I recommend reading my earlier series on the Core Data framework. } userTableViewCell.lblEmail.text = user.value(forKey: “email”) as? } Realm is an easy-to-use database framework for iOS and Swift. // Initialization code The code snippets below are here to help jog your memory when it’s been a while since you’ve worked in Core Data. Select the View Controller –> Select Editor Menu from the menu bar –> Select Embed in –> Select navigation Controller. })) } We explored the managed object context, the persistent store coordinator, and the managed object model. if action { class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource { func imagePickerController(_ picker: UIImagePickerController, didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo info: [String : Any]) { How to deal with “Too Many Connections” error in M... Let’s start with making Entity in the UserDetails.xcdatamodeld file. You’ll learn how to model your data with attributes and relationships; add and update records; and then fetch your data with sorting and filtering options. @IBOutlet weak var btnSaveUpdate: UIButton! } All rights reserved. override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() { } The documentation tells us that the return type of value(forKey:) is Any?. guard let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? While you can work with NSManagedObject instances, like we did in this tutorial, you will almost always work with NSManagedObject subclasses. } else { To implement this solution, we first need to learn how to fetch records from a persistent store. } let imagePicker = UIImagePickerController() let emailRegEx = “[A-Z0-9a-z._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\. // Copyright © 2017 Chandra Rao. Even complex object graphs with many entities and relationships aren't much of a problem for Core Data. // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. @IBOutlet weak var txtFieldEmail: UITextField! do { \(error), \(error.userInfo)”) } The code we've written to interact with managed objects doesn't look pretty. Call it “CoreDataProject” and not just “CoreData” because that will cause Xcode to get confused. self.present(alertController, animated: true) { } Core Data uses a schema called a managed object model — an instance of NSManagedObjectModel. return userList.count Create a new UIViewController Class named as, Add the following code in the class file of, Add a Custom UITableViewCell Class named as “. self.imagePicker.allowsEditing = true txtFieldName.text = user[0].value(forKey: “name”) as? The most recent Core Data additions step it up another huge notch. print(emailTest.evaluate(with: textfield.text!)) Core Data can then manage object instances at runtime to provide the following features. This is what the implementation of fetchRecordsForEntity(_inManagedObjectContext) looks like. Int)'”) } This is another Core Data optimization. let whitespace = CharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines Why is data set to ? Note: make sure all the outlets and delegates are properly connected. } else if check(forBlanks: txtFieldOtherDetails) { super.viewDidLoad() Remember from the data model, that these relationships are each other's inverse. This is known as firing or resolving a fault. func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, commit editingStyle: UITableViewCellEditingStyle, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { } guard let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? } For example, you only want to create a user record if the user could not be found in the persistent store. There are numerous ways to secure data stored on an iOS device. In short, models describe objects and stores are where objects are persisted. if let image = UIImage(data:imageData as Data) { imgUserImg.image = chosenImage Learn about Angular Services and its application with dependency injection, PHP: How to convert date from one format to another. The first print statement of the if clause shows that the list record has a fault. Remove the print statement of the if clause and replace it with the following to better understand how faulting works. // }) // UserDetails It should look something like this: Note that the values returned from value(forKey:) are optionals. var isUpdate : Bool = false A managed object model allows Core Data to map from records in a persistent store to managed objects that you use in your application. super.viewWillAppear(animated) Core Data: statement is still ... How to check for an active Internet connection on iOS or macOS? Getting Started With Realm Database In Swift Written by Reinder de Vries on February 20 2019 in App Development, iOS. super.didReceiveMemoryWarning() try txtFieldEmail.text = user[0].value(forKey: “email”) as? = textfield.text tapGesture.numberOfTapsRequired = 1 func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { [A-Za-z]{2,64}” updateRecord() // MARK: – Action Methods print(“Could not save. The above output shows us that the list record we fetched from the persistent store doesn't have a name or creation date. Before starting unit testing for core data we have to loosely couple our code. let managedContext = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext print(error) } = rawString?.trimmingCharacters(in: whitespace) imgUserImg.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit Note that we only see a fault if the list record is fetched from the persistent store. To set the value of an attribute, we invoke setValue(_:forKey:) on the managed object. } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { { action -> Void in Note: There is a UIImageView for user Image, UITextField for Name, UITextField for EMail, UITextField for other details, UIButton for Save and Update. Please visit one of our previous articles here to have a brief about what is Core Data. tapGesture.delegate = self UIImage { var user: [NSManagedObject] = [] showAlert(withTitleMessageAndAction: “Alert!”, message: “Please enter valid Text.”, action: false) return emailTest.evaluate(with: textfield.text!) Hello guys :D . } Note: Make sure all the outlets are connected properly. class AddUpdateViewController: UIViewController, UIImagePickerControllerDelegate, UINavigationControllerDelegate, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate, UITextFieldDelegate { // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. var ctrVariable : Int = 0 First of all we will move to project location and make the files a bit structured. !”, message: “Your record has been updated sucessfully! Getting Started with Core Data in iOS 11, Xcode 9, and Swift 4 - ... A managed object model allows Core Data to map from records in a … Core data is used to manage the model layer object in our application. let chosenImage = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as! self.showAlert(withTitleMessageAndAction: “Alert!”, message: “Camera not available.”, action: false) They add type safety and make working with Core Data records much more elegant. alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: “Photo Library”, style: UIAlertActionStyle.default) } Updated on July 27, 2016 – Additional Cheats Having trouble recalling how to perform basic Core Data operations? addUpdateVCLR.user = singleUser tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(AddUpdateViewController.handleTap(_:))) }, User Details will be using camera to capture user profile picture., NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription, User Details will be using Photo library to capture user profile picture., NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription, You can select photos to save user profile image.. Core Data is a powerful object persistence framework. @IBOutlet weak var imgUserImg: UIImageView! } { Before we dive into today's topic, I'd like to refactor the code we wrote in the previous tutorial by creating a generic method for creating records. String if editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyle.delete ios - objective - update core data swift 4 . func updateRecord() { if test.count == 1 }) Make sure you check the “Use Core Data” box so that Xcode sets up a data model and managed object context for us. override func setSelected(_ selected: Bool, animated: Bool) { lblNoRecords.isHidden = true !”, action: true) The implementation of this solution is not difficult. This is the second article for our Core Data series. override func viewDidLoad() { Editor’s note: After we published the tutorial about saving data in plist file, some readers asked about Core Data and how we can use it to save persistent information.This week, we work with Ziad Tamim, an independent iOS developer, to give you an introduction of Core Data and work with you to build a sample app using Core Data.. imagePicker.delegate = self let fetchRequest:NSFetchRequest = NSFetchRequest.init(entityName: “User”) AddUpdateViewController btnSaveUpdate.setTitle(“Update”, for: UIControlState.normal) import CoreData The beginning of an application life cycle is subtly different in iOS and macOS. In application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:), we fetch every list record and only create a list record if none could be found in the persistent store. tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true) In the example below, we create a fetch request to fetch every record of the Itementity and delete the records one by on… This makes adding and removing records from a to-many or many-to-many relationship a bit easier. super.awakeFromNib() objectUpdate.setValue(txtFieldOtherDetails.text!, forKeyPath: “others”) print(“Could not save. All rights reserved. In part 2 we learned about basic core data concepts with insert, update and delete operations. if userList.count > 0 { Run the application to update the list record. }. String // if let imageData = user.value(forKey: “image”) as? We will be able to insert, update, delete & fetch person records in core data. tblListUser.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension The values of the name and createdAt attributes are resolved, but the items relationship isn't. userList = try managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest) if isUpdate { } Core Data by Tutorials, Fifth Edition is now 100% complete, fully updated for Swift 4.2, iOS 12 and Xcode 10 — and available today. The integration of Core Data into SwiftUI projects is surprisingly easy. // MARK: – UIImagePickerControllerDelegate Methods The return value of the fetch(_:) method is assigned to records. var tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer() } catch let error as NSError { override func awakeFromNib() { return SQLite is a database itself like we have MS SQL Server. } let addUpdateVCLR : AddUpdateViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: “AddUpdateViewController”) as! import CoreData } addUpdateVCLR.isUpdate = true return Xcode generates some code in the AppDelegate.swift file to initialize the Core Data stack with this new class since iOS 13: NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. } else if !check(forValidEmail: txtFieldEmail) { if check(forBlanks: txtFieldName) { userTableViewCell.imgViewUser.image = image Additionally, developers may choose to enable “Data … It's time to take your Core Data skills up a notch: we're going to add a second entity called Author, and link that entity to our existing Commit entity. { action -> Void in In the previous tutorial, we created a list record and pushed it to the persistent store by saving its managed object context. 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