Alto Bide ye—(Chorus II) where?—(Alto) in Jesus' bosom. Art thou the King of the Jews? Da sprach Jesus zu ihnen: Alway displayed in thy patience, It is widely regarded as one of the masterpieces of classical sacred music, indeed, of all Western music. Evangelist And the chief priest then stood up and said to him: Jesus aber sprach zu ihm: Darum Christus seins Vaters Schoß Daß das ewige Verderben Aber laßt es bei den Fluten, And all that grieves thy heart And there were many women there, who looked on from a distance, having followed after him from Galilee and ministered unto him, in whose number was Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of the children of Zebedee. Stell ich mich doch wieder ein; Sit ye down here, while I go over there and pray. He said: O Haupt, sonst schön gezieret Evangelist How greatly wast thou despisèd. Evangelist Soprano Suchet!—(Chorus II) Wo?—(Alto) in Jesu Armen. Ah, now is my Jesus gone! nun ist mein Jesus hin! Jesus See the price, this murder's wage, Chorus II Ich will Jesum selbst begraben. Und sie wurden sehr betrübt und huben an, ein jeglicher unter ihnen, und sagten zu ihm: Evangelist If the Vocal Futures model does not provide a visionary example of how to develop the young audiences of the future, nothing will.” Reviews THE TIMES 29 th November 2011 - Richard Morrison “For a work not designed to be staged at all, Bach’s St Matthew Passion has … To help all those he is prepared I will once again return; Der gute Hirte leidet für die Schafe, Within death's final stroke, Sheet music. Soprano and Alto Choral Sheet Music. Evangelist Alas, my sins, they have thee sorely stricken; At eventide, when it was cool, Soprano Chorus I Herr, nimm mein wahr in dieser G'fahr, What is thy guilt, what were the evil doings He bore our sins' most grievous weight Ward Adams Fallen offenbar; Auf das Fest aber hatte der Landpfleger Gewohnheit, dem Volk einen Gefangenen loszugeben, welchen sie wollten. It is rendered in English also as St. Matthew Passion and in German also as Matthäuspassion. Whose faith in him is steadfast. Wenn dir dein Herze bricht. Büßet seine Seelennot; Wahrlich, ich sage euch: Einer unter euch wird mich verraten. Thy Spirit hath endowed me But he then denied this before them all and said: Du lieber Heiland du, Buy Saint Matthew Passion (Instrumental Parts Wi at O thou, most blessed body, Evangelist Evangelist for soloists, SATB, and organ Written for the Choir of Wells Evangelist Chorus II Setzet euch hie, bis daß ich dort hingehe und bete. But I say to you: from henceforth it will happen that ye shall behold the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven. It sets chapters 26 and 27 of the Gospel of Matthew to music, with interspersed chorales and arias. Jesus Evangelist Then came Jesus with them to a garden, known as Gethsemane, and said to his disciples: Durch den ersten Trunk versüßet. Alto and Tenor To be the Intercessor. Ach! With suddenmost wrath Chorus I and II At that he went up to Jesus and said: O head of blood and wounding, Thou sayest it. Jesus Ich will dir mein Herze schenken, Jesus Drinking from my Savior's cup. Shall for ev'ry anguished conscience Ye have your watchmen; go ye forth and secure it as best ye can! The debt he pays, the master, he the righteous, IR8IMMKOCAFY \ Kindle ~ St Matthew Passion: Vocal Score ST MATTHEW PASSION: VOCAL SCORE Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 2013. With highest praise adorned, And they said: Judas Jesus The others said, however: Chorus II And after they had mocked and scorned him, they removed the robe from him and put his own raiment upon him and led him away, that they might crucify him. Alto Soll Erd und Luft entzogen werden. To them he then set Barabbas free; but he had Jesus scourged and then delivered him up, that he might be crucifièd. My Jesus keeps Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten, führeten ihn zu dem Hohenpriester Kaiphas, dahin die Schriftgelehrten und Ältesten sich versammlet hatten. Bass Edited by Klaus Hofmann. Da ist kein Trost, kein Helfer nicht. And when most anxious trembling —The bridegroom there, see him Den Blinden gab er das Gesicht, Shop and Buy St. Matthew Passion (Matthaus-Passion) sheet music. To clouds and air and breezes For further information of Bach's St Matthew Passion, please click here to visit the Wikipedia website, ChoraLine 'Voice Part' Rehearsal CDs & EasyPlay (Stream & Download), Quick and Easy way to memorise your vocal line and practise between choir rehearsals, Please click here to hear a ChoraLine sample for Bach St Matthew Passion, If you wish to have a CD of Bach's St Matthew Passion to hear the whole work please click here and please do click on the video below to listen right away if you wish. Er nahm die Sünder auf und an. Durch sein' Angst und Todespein. Tenor But after the song of praise had been recited, they went out to the Mount of Olives. Wahrlich, ich sage dir: In dieser Nacht, ehe der Hahn krähet, wirst du mich dreimal verleugnen. Details about BACH ST MATTHEW PASSION BWV244 Vocal Score, Barenreiter, brand new, unused. Then answerèd Judas, who betrayed him, and said: Then did they spit upon his countenance and struck him with their fists. Which must be like the whipping post Of the wounds abundant bleeding Peter, however, then answerèd and said to him. Der mit der Hand mit mir in die Schüssel tauchet, der wird mich verraten. The disciples did this, as Jesus had commanded them, and made ready there the paschal lamb. Creator of both earth and heaven Jesus meanwhile stood before the governor; and the governor questioned him and said: Evangelist Jesus Jesus Evangelist Peter Go, let them give thee Jesus' lifeless body, Evangelist Bach did not number the sections of the St Matthew Passion but twentieth-century scholars have done so. Chorus I I deny no whit my guilt; In God hath he trusted, let him save him then now, if he will, for he hath declared: "I am Son of God.". Chorus I Evangelist Evangelist And they all said: Chorus I and II Jesus sprach zu ihm: Und ging hin ein wenig, fiel nieder auf sein Angesicht und betete und sprach: Have thou nothing to do with this righteous man; for I today have suffered much in a dream because of him! Bist du Gottes Sohn, so steig herab vom Kreuz! Soprano Da traten sie hinzu und legten die Hände an Jesum und griffen ihn. Da aber Pilatus sahe, daß er nichts schaffete, sondern daß ein viel großer Getümmel ward, nahm er Wasser und wusch die Hände vor dem Volk und sprach: Sie führen ihn, er ist gebunden. His body comes to rest, Chorus I and II Mein Hirte, nimm mich an! Bass Ei, so mag der liebe Gott Der wird auch Wege finden, Nought accomplish, Seek redemption, take his mercy, He went on a little, fell down upon his face and, having prayed, he said: Etliche aber schlugen ihn ins Angesicht und sprachen: Evangelist Then Peter thought back to the words of Jesus, when he said unto him: "Before the cock shall have crowed, wilt three times thou have denied me." Chorus I and II Such scourging this, such blows, such wounding! Evangelist Soprano Mein Jesu, gute Nacht! Then Pilate ordered that it be given to him. was soll ich der Seele sagen, Chorus I and II Chorus I and II So wollen wir mit dir ihn suchen. Desgleichen schmäheten ihn auch die Mörder, die mit ihm gekreuziget waren. Zum andernmal ging er hin, betete und sprach: Mein Jesu, gib es immer her! Chorus I and II Evangelist He will find pathways also Peter That thee my fall to such distress hath brought! Herr, wir haben gedacht, daß dieser Verführer sprach, da er noch lebete: Ich will nach dreien Tagen wieder auferstehen. O Geißelung, o Schläg, o Wunden! Language: N/A. And in answer now, the governor said unto them: Ach, könnte meine Liebe dir, Ach! Gerne will ich mich bequemen, Book Condition: New. Break the sinful heart in twain, Look—where, then?—upon our guilt; Mache dich, mein Herze, rein, Tenor Da sprach Jesus zu ihnen: Evangelist And about the ninth hour Jesus cried aloud and said: Alto And they were then very sad and they began, each one of them in turn, to say unto him: Chorus I and II Chorus I and II O pain! Mit plötzlicher Wut Welchen wollet ihr, daß ich euch losgebe? Erbarme dich, Leid ich wider meine Schuld And he cast the silver pieces in the temple, rose up from there, went forth and then hanged himself at once. Und da er verklagt war von den Hohenpriestern und Ältesten, antwortete er nichts. Erbarm dich unser, o Jesu ! Ich sage euch: Ich werde von nun an nicht mehr von diesem Gewächs des Weinstocks trinken bis an den Tag, da ich's neu trinken werde mit euch in meines Vaters Reich. Der mit Milch und Honig fließet, —Den Bräutigam, seht ihn Peter Bass Sonst hat mein Jesus nichts getan. Judas Evangelist Ye are now come forward as against a murderer, with swords and with clubs now to take me; but I have daily been sitting with you and have been there teaching in the temple, and ye did not ever seize me. Wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen. Blute nur, du liebes Herz! Zu helfen den'n er ist bereit, My Jesus, give it evermore! Ye always have the poor with you, me though will ye not have always. Find in sweet repose his dwelling. O head, once fair and lovely, Gegossen sind und häßlich stinken, Hearest thou not how harshly they accuse thee? Peter said to him: It sets chapters 26 and 27 of the Gospel of Matthew to music, with interspersed chorales and arias. Matthäus-Passion BWV 244. Daß Jesus von mir Abschied nimmt, At which should shrink and quail Stecke dein Schwert an seinen Ort; denn wer das Schwert nimmt, der soll durchs Schwert umkommen. In like wise did the murderers also mock him, who with him had been crucified. The vocal score contains all voice parts and a piano accompaniment. He revised it by 1736, performing it again on 30 March 1736, this time including two organs in the instrumentation. Was ist die Ursach aller solcher Plagen? Jesus Evangelist Evangelist Zu der Stund sprach Jesus zu den Scharen: Mein Jesu, gute Nacht! Bass Evangelist Voll Schmerz und voller Hohn, Evangelist My Jesus, now good night! Jesus Da antwortete nun der Landpfleger und sprach zu ihnen: Barrabam! Mine own death Chorus I and II Ein bequemes Ruhekissen Come!—(Chorus II) Where to?—(Alto) In Jesus' bosom Full video version to hear the work in full is also below, The Novello edition is in English and German and is edited by Neil Jenkins for solo and SATB, Please click here if you wish to order and further vocal score information, Please order by 3pm to be despatched today, The Edition Peters Version of Bach's St Matthew Passion is in English for SATB, The Barenreiter edition of Bach's St Matthew Passion. He who his hand with me in the dish now dippeth, this one will betray me. Meinen Tod Er ist des Todes schuldig! Treuer Jesu, dir gebären. Da gab er ihnen Barrabam los; aber Jesum ließ er geißeln und überantwortete ihn, daß er gekreuziget würde. Book Condition: New. Da kam er zu seinen Jüngern und sprach zu ihnen: Und es waren viel Weiber da, die von ferne zusahen, die da waren nachgefolget aus Galiläa und hatten ihm gedienet, unter welchen war Maria Magdalena und Maria, die Mutter Jacobi und Joses, und die Mutter der Kinder Zebedäi. Aus Liebe, Brand New Book. O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig I say to you: I shall from this moment forth no more drink from this the fruit of the grapevine until the day when I shall drink it anew with you within my Father's kingdom. Schimpf und Spott, Die Lahmen macht er gehend, Then said Jesus unto them: 255 x 179 mm. Am Abend aber kam ein reicher Mann von Arimathia, der hieß Joseph, welcher auch ein Jünger Jesu war, der ging zu Pilato und bat ihn um den Leichnam Jesu. Alto Andern hat er geholfen und kann sich selber nicht helfen. Da versammleten sich die Hohenpriester und Schriftgelehrten und die Ältesten im Volk in dem Palast des Hohenpriesters, der da hieß Kaiphas, und hielten Rat, wie sie Jesum mit Listen griffen und töteten. Sheet music. Mit Milch und süßer Kost, Da das Jesus merkete, sprach er zu ihnen: Because God wills it so to be. Jesus In this same night ye will all become annoyed for my sake. Not upon my soul continue. Und da sie an die Stätte kamen mit Namen Golgatha, das ist verdeutschet Schädelstätt, gaben sie ihm Essig zu trinken mit Gallen vermischet; und da er's schmeckete, wollte er's nicht trinken. Barabbas! Ich beschwöre dich bei dem lebendigen Gott, daß du uns sagest, ob du seiest Christus, der Sohn Gottes? The cup, the bitterness of death, Evangelist When it doth in anguish ask me: Bitterlich. Wenn ich aber auferstehe, will ich vor euch hingehen in Galiläam. Da zerriß der Hohepriester seine Kleider und sprach: O Haupt, zu Spott gebunden So they took counsel once again and bought with them a potter's field set aside for the burial of strangers. Er sprach: Ist er der König Israel, so steige er nun vom Kreuz, so wollen wir ihm glauben. To bury would make ready, Chorus II And the betrayer had given them a signal already and had said: "He whom I shall kiss, is he, him take ye!" Where is then thy friend now departed, Chorus I and II Ach Golgatha, unselges Golgatha! Evangelist Him will he not abandon. He must for others' theft make payment. Wiewohl du warest verachtet Da speieten sie aus in sein Angesicht und schlugen ihn mit Fäusten. Weissage uns, Christe, wer ist's, der dich schlug? Book Condition: New. About Chandos. How awe-inspiring is indeed this sentence! But when his disciples saw it, they became indignant and said: Chorus I Und er antwortete ihm nicht auf ein Wort, also, daß sich auch der Landpfleger sehr verwunderte. O thou fairest of all the women? Der Heiland fällt vor seinem Vater nieder; Evangelist Und am Abend satzte er sich zu Tische mit den Zwölfen. My Jesus, now good night! Evangelist Bach; St Matthew Passion KG 0037. Für uns er hie geboren ward, And he came to his disciples and found them sleeping and said unto them: Evangelist Chorus I and II Evangelist Yet do thou not leave me; That thou my spirit's health such worth did pay. Da befahl Pilatus, man sollte ihm ihn geben. Truly I say to you: wherever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, there will be told also in memory of her what she hath done. Soprano And when they came unto a place with the name of Golgotha, which is to say, the place of a skull, they did give him vinegar to drink which had been mixed with gall; and when he tasted it, he refused to drink it. Aber Jesus schwieg stille. Evangelist The saving blessing of the world Evangelist Die andern aber sprachen: Evangelist Soprano and Alto Come forth thou then to me! Und was du ausgestanden, Mit Salben deinen Leib 255 x 179 mm. But when Jesus noticed this, said he unto them: Ich kenne des Menschen nicht. So liebt er sie bis an das Ende. For she hath done a good deed for me! Rise ye up, let us be going; see there, he is come, who doth betray me. The more it doth our spirit good, Für und für Und die Jünger täten, wie ihnen Jesus befohlen hatte, und bereiteten das Osterlamm. Ei, so sollst du mir allein Ach ja! Let him climb down from the cross and we will then believe him. He hath us all so richly blessed, Und des Leidens herbe Schmach Sie antworteten und sprachen: Evangelist Upon the cross, long suff'ring. Rehearsal recordings to help learn your voice part (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) are described below. Chorus I and II Soprano And the chief priest then, answering, spake thus to him: And he answerèd him to never a word, such that the governor was also much amazed at him. Daß die Tropfen meiner Zähren Us to capture, now outstretched, Soprano Free him, hold off, bind him not! And there Jesus said to them: Das gehet meiner Seele nah; Have mercy, stop your work! Ach! Mein Heil, dein Zittern und dein Zagen While thee thy heart doth break. 2. Zum Kreuz gezwungen sein; meine Sünden haben dich geschlagen; When now Jesus visited Bethany and was in the house of the leper called Simon, unto him came a woman who carried a jar of precious ointment and poured it on his head as he sat at the table. Look thou here, Masterworks Chorale – St. Matthew Passion Performance / Program Notes Concert: 22 March 2014 Brief Performance Notes by the Conductor In some parts of the country, it can be a long time between live performances of Bach’s St Matthew Passion. But there were some who stood about there who, when they heard that, spake thus: Evangelist Was hat er denn Übels getan? Vor euer Leiden tausend Dank, Evangelist Evangelist Now is the Lord brought to his rest. Judas Though I suffer, innocent, The chief priests, though, and also the elders and the whole assembly sought untrue witness against Jesus in order to kill him, and they did find none. Die Müh ist aus, die unsre Sünden ihm gemacht. Chorale Evangelist Barabbas or Jesus, of whom it is said that he is the Christ? Jesus, thee doth offer. He loveth them until the finish. ihr habt ein Herz, In order that within such pain BACH1 CLASS 10 Nov 23 ST. MATTHEW PASSION Outline 1. The mighty world's great burden, Else we had lost all courage. What place wouldst thou have us prepare thee, the paschal lamb to eat now? When I my death must suffer, Mit Lügen und mit falschem G'dicht, But when Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, rather that a much greater disturbance grew, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd and said: But upon this feast the governor had the custom of setting free a prisoner to the people, whom they had chosen. Evangelist Who hath thine eyes' bright light, What my God will, be done alway, Aber die Hohenpriester und die Ältesten überredeten das Volk, daß sie um Barrabam bitten sollten und Jesum umbrächten. Sucht Erlösung, nehmt Erbarmen, And after they went out, they found a man who came from Cyrene, whose name was Simon; and they compelled him to bear his cross. Evangelist Language: N/A. Von unserm Falle To the most faithful keeping Evangelist Nicht auf meiner Seele bliebe. Bass But on the first day of Unleavened Bread came the disciples to Jesus and said unto him: Chorus I Petrus aber saß draußen im Palast; und es trat zu ihm eine Magd und sprach: Evangelist Jesus For his mouth, Hier steht der Heiland angebunden. When thy heart doth grow pallid Weil es dem lieben Gott gefällt. Peter Use our Catalog Order Page to order items from a printed catalog, or if you already know our catalog number for the item(s) you're interested in. Alto Evangelist Jesus Give back this my Jesus to me! Make thyself, my heart, now pure, That is: "My God, my God, wherefore hast thou me forsaken? Of pain and scorn so full, Jesus Von dir, Quell aller Güter, Chorus I and II Ah, then may the Lord above Sie hat ein gut Werk an mir getan. Etliche aber, die da stunden, da sie das höreten, sprachen sie: Evangelist Und die Strafe des Gerichts So they went forth and made safe the tomb with watchmen and did seal in the stone. Evangelist Sie hielten aber einen Rat und kauften einen Töpfersacker darum zum Begräbnis der Pilger. Have mercy Lord, St. Matthew Passion was written for solo voices, ripieno choir, 2 SATB choirs and 2 orchestras. Have mercy on us, O Jesus! But after they had crucified him, they divided his garments by casting lots for them, that it might be accomplished what had once been said by the prophet: "They have divided all my garments among them and over mine own vesture did they cast lots." Chorus I and II Is it granted, can I see him? Dieses Wasser hie mögen teuer verkauft und den Armen gegeben werden. The worthy shepherd for his flock now suffers; Jesus Rest thou gently, gently rest! Else hath my Jesus nothing done. Chorus II Evangelist Hat den Grund For Jesus hath his cross fulfilled. 255 x 179 mm. So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen. Mein Vater, ist's nicht möglich, daß dieser Kelch von mir gehe, ich trinke ihn denn, so geschehe dein Wille. —How? Within my arms and lap. Alto Chorus I and II The vocal score contains all voice parts and a piano accompaniment. If thou art God's Son, then climb down from the cross! Erkenne mich, mein Hüter, Bass That slumber may our sins enfold. For he shall henceforth in me Chorus I Er sagt uns seines Vaters Wort, St Matthew Passion: Vocal Score # Doc # XQ0PPMHQTM St Matthew Passion: Vocal Score By - Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 2013. Though I now have thee forsaken, Und er warf die Silberlinge in den Tempel, hub sich davon, ging hin und erhängete sich selbst. Die an ihn gläuben feste. Evangelist Chorus II Den Kelch, des Todes Bitterkeit Bleed alway, O thou my heart! Er sprach zu ihm: And as he sat upon the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him and gave this message: Thereupon the chief priest rent his clothes asunder and said: Ihm gemacht then replied to him sheet music versammlet waren, sprach er zu ihnen: Jesus Eli,,! I will thee my heart, now is the St Matthew Passion was written for voices! 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