germ theory of disease biology discussion

2. Requires prior genome sequence information. Most medical care was performed outside hospitals, and hospitals were considered charitable institutions designed to improve the spirits of patients rather than impact their physical well-being. Every microorganism lives in an ecological niche, in relative harmony with the neighboring environment. Watch this short video for a dramatization of Semmelweis' work on puerperal fever and its negative reception by other physicians at the time. Miasma was the predominant explanation for disease transmission from the time of Galen until the germ theory of disease became widely accepted in the late 1800s. As modern microbiology is increasingly focused on complex communities of microbes that interact with the host in complex ways to influence disease processes (Pincus & Pei, 2014), a concept shift beyond the one pathogen/one disease paradigm has been evolving to include diseases caused at least in part by alteration of the indigenous microbial community, as in obesity (Ridaura et al., 2013; Turnbaugh et al., 2006), diabetes (Brunkwall & Orho-Melander, 2017), inflammatory bowel diseases (Ilott, Bollrath, Danne, et al., 2016; Kostic, Xavier, & Gevers, 2014) and neuropsychiatric disorders (Rieder, Wisniewski, Alderman, & Campbell, 2017). STUDY. Human bodies are estimated to host 100 trillion microbes, 10 times the number of human cells, and which contain orders of magnitude more genes than the human genome (Ley, Peterson, & Gordon, 2006). The recovery of certain intestinal bacteria can be delayed for up to 4 years, after antibiotic treatment [5]. Throughout the later 1800s, more formal investigations were conducted on the relationship between germs and disease. Some of Semmelweis' findings are presented in Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\). For Louis Pasteur (1822–1895), fermentation provided the path to germ theory. Malaria became epidemic after the Civil War, as malaria-infected soldiers returned to their homes and brought the infection with them to their local communities. Finally, attention is drawn to the influence of human failure on the safe decontamination of medical equipment. The use of filtration for point-of-use and point-of-entry systems is discussed in further sections. Watch the recordings here on Youtube! Some countries have extended contracting competition to primary care providers with physicians or groups of physicians competing to serve the primary care needs of a fixed population (Liu et al., 2007). The germ theory opens the way … It is the belief that disease or sickness is spread by germs or viruses outside the body. These incidents were due to introductions of infected humans into areas with competent Anopheles vectors. Currently, 16,449 bacteria, 3323 viruses and 608 archaea are classified at the species level in the NCBI taxonomy ( The question of whether bacteria caused suppuration or resulted from it could still be posed into the 1870 s. Codell Carter (1987), the Koch scholar, would point out “there were no reliable techniques for isolating organisms in pure culture.” Further “the development of modern etiological medical theories awaited technological innovations, and Robert Koch, working in his makeshift laboratory in Wollstein, proved to be an absolutely consummate technician.” Gradmann (2009) observed, “Theoretical statements of major importance are rare in his writings … Rather, his innovations were the development of investigative methods, such as microphotography and the pure culture.”. His persistent and careful experimentation and observation with both human and bird malarias, using Anopheles and Culex mosquitoes, respectively, provided conclusive proof that mosquitoes transmit Plasmodium species by bite. A pathogenic a microorganism. Through the development of better detection methods for bacteria during the first decade of the 20th century it was discovered that bacterial pathogens were still able to pass through filters even when coagulation was employed, although the reduction levels were 98% and often better. Germ theory of disease is based on the concept that many diseases are caused by infections with microorganisms, typically only visualized under high magnification. He also became a strong proponent of the theory and managed to convince most of the scientific community of its validity. But his most dramatic and far-reaching contribution was the development of postexposure prophylaxis for rabies. Robert Koch's postulates, published in 1890, are a set of criteria that establish whether a particular organism is the cause of a particular disease. It is pertinent to note here that Pasteur was unable to isolate the agent of rabies, and hence turned to propagation in rabbits (Valery-Radot, n.d.). Miasma refers to a toxic vapor that people believed for centuries was a cause of many diseases, including cholera and plague. Although Pasteur was not the first person to propose germ theory, his investigations clearly supported it. Essential to the establishment of a complete understanding of the host-pathogen interactions that are necessary for the manifestation of disease is the identification and detailed characterization of virulence factors produced by pathogens at each stage of the infection process. What was the hypothesis (i.e. It states that microorganisms known as pathogens or “germs” can lead to disease. In it are described not only the photomicroscopy of bacteria in tissue but the keystone of microbiologic study, the pure culture (Koch, 1881). We’re going to go over those experiments in the next section. An individual in this sketch is holding his nose to avoid breathing in the miasma. A cell or group of cells (called a primordium) capable of developing into an organ, a part or an organism in its entirety.Eggs and sperm are germ cells. Additional diseases such as peptic ulcer and some types of cancer are still being traced to infectious microbe species. Semmelweis observed that deaths from puerperal fever occurred much more often when women had been attended by doctors at his hospital than by midwives at home. The germ theory of disease is a theory put forward to explain the reasons behind the infections or the diseases. These were first, very small size, such that they were not seen by light microscopy and the capacity to pass through filters that would retain bacteria; and second, the requirement for living cells in which to replicate. It states that many diseases are caused by infectious agents or germs. These volume-based contracts create incentives for hospitals to both improve quality and reform service mix to attract patients and funding. The Germ Theory of Disease (Great Discoveries in Science) Library Binding – August 15, 2017 by Kristin Thiel (Author) See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. The transformation of the surgical world arose from the antiseptic concepts of Lister that were based on the germ theory of the disease, which had been derived from the germ theory of fermentation and putrefaction discovered by Pasteur. For his work on “serum therapy,” von Behring26 was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and Metchnikoff and Ehrlich27 shared the award in 1908 for their work on “immunity”. WOODBRIDGE A. What is the germ theory of disease? After this change, the hospital's death rate for women who had just given birth fell from 18 to 2 percent, which was a 90 percent reduction. Can identify essential factors. Just how these lymphocytes and antibodies respond to the seemingly infinite number of antigens, however, remained the most important unanswered question of that day. Koch’s postulates: used to prove a specific microbe causes a specific disease The first major city to construct a WTP was Paris in 1806. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, URL:, Encyclopedia of Microbiology (Fourth Edition), 2009, Microbiology of Waterborne Diseases (Second Edition), Introduction to the Microbiome and Metabolome, Microbiome and Metabolome in Diagnosis, Therapy, and other Strategic Applications, WOODBRIDGE A. In contrast, individual pathogenic microbes can lead directly to infectious disease. Not all pathogenicity genes are transcriptionally induced in host. The impact of prion disease on decontamination is highlighted. The definition of bacterial diseases by growth on artificial media and observation of bacteria by microscopy of stained specimens served as the necessary, if negative, backdrop against which the characteristics of viral infections would be defined. A microbe capable of causing disease. Doesn't require genetic manipulation. Legal. It allows us to see how diverse the microbial population might be and to quantify the composition of communities that contain thousands of species of bacteria along with archaea, fungi and viruses. Surely that must have characterized the years in Wollstein, now in Poland, where he was a newly married young district physician and also the district health officer. However, evidence for Fracastoro's idea accumulated during that time. Galen and Fracastoro may have come up with different. S.W.B. "...Led them to conclude that infectious diseases were caused by microorganisms of different types, commonly called germs" (1031). Based on the data in hand, we hypothesize that sepsis induces imbalances in microbial populations residing in the gut, along with compromises in epithelial integrity. Doesn't require genetic manipulation. Why or why not? The study of these microbial communities is generally known as metagenomics, and communities directly associated with the human body are referred to as the microbiome. One was the presence of Columbia/HCA, a for-profit hospital system known for the extraordinary number of acquisitions it made. pathogen, infectious disease. "Germ" may refer to not just a bacterium but to any type of microorganism, such as protists or fungi, or even non-living pathogens that can cause disease, such as Semmelweis published his results, but they were derided by the medical profession. The other chapters of this book detail the progression of the understanding of many host-pathogen interactions that have been elucidated during the past century. Indeed, within less than 100 years, vaccines and notably antibacterial agents changed the profile of world public health. In contrast, the present chapter focuses on the various biochemical, immunological, and genetic strategies that have been successfully employed by microbiologists to identify these bacterial pathogenicity factors. Germ theory considers all types of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoansas germs and they are responsible for diseases in humans, animals, and othe… Explain your answer. Use the explanation of Semmelweis’ research and the graph above in Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\) to answer the following questions. The shift from identifying single pathogens to defining an entire microbial community in disease diagnosis has been coupled with a realization that classical microbiology focuses almost exclusively on those microbes that grow well under laboratory culture conditions. Roughly 1000 cases of malaria are introduced into the United States each year. Since the recent application of high-throughput sequencing technology to microbiology, our understanding of what determines the phenotype of an individual is becoming increasingly complex as we begin to appreciate that microbes living on and in the human body can explain a significant fraction of human phenotypic variations (Moon & Stappenbeck, 2012; Norman, Handley, & Virgin, 2014). Joseph, Lord Lister (1827–1912), an English surgeon, transformed surgery through sterile surgical technique. Only a subset may encode pathogenicity factors. What were the two pieces of evidence shown in the graph that supported Semmelweis’ hypothesis? Diseases caused by germs are contagious because the microorganisms that cause them can spread from person to person. Nonetheless, the 20th century can more properly be described as the era of antibiotics, than of probiotics. As a result of attitudes such as this, Semmelweis became the target of a vicious smear campaign. Pathogen. Doesn't require genetic manipulation. Germ theory of disease is the theory that human infectious diseases are caused by specific variety of microorganisms including but not limited to bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. This finding, along with the work of Patrick Manson on filarial nematodes and mosquitoes in China, inspired Ronald Ross, then a physician in British colonial India, to examine the hypothesis of mosquito transmission of malaria parasites in the 1890s. For example, an understanding of the ability of Vibrio cholerae to survive within an aqueous environment led to the development of water treatment strategies that have proven successful in the prevention of cholera and similar diarrheal diseases. In other words, the germ is that which gives rise to the development of disease. Please read the text for more detailed discussion. According to this theory, contagious diseases are caused by "germs," or microorganisms. More recent reforms have sought to increase hospital competition through the creation of internal markets. According to Fracastoro, germs spread through populations, making many people sick, through direct or indirect contact between individuals. Missed the LibreFest? This desire to understand the microbial causation of many human diseases has led to many epidemiological studies and to increased knowledge of the diverse environmental reservoirs occupied by pathogenic bacteria. Abstract The germ theory of disease—infectious disease is primarily caused by transmission of an organism from one host to another—is a gross oversimplification. In the 1800s, this idea was not widely accepted, and it took a series of experiments and hard work for Pasteur to prove that air contains infinitely small living organisms, and that these organisms are responsible for diseases. What was Semmelweis’ observation that led him to undertake this study? Ehrlich was heavily influenced by the work of von Behring,24 who described a soluble “anti-toxin” that transferred immunity against diphtheria, and Ehrlich later postulated that immunity was regulated by antibodies, which differentiated between “self” and “nonself”.25 Thus by the end of the 19th century, it was generally recognized that the immune system consisted of two components that offered protection from pathogens: humoral immunity to infection, which was transferred by antibodies released from specialized immune cells; and cellular immunity, which involved the recruitment of phagocytes to recognize and destroy microbes. It included explicit technical details of specimen preparation, staining, and photomicroscopy (Koch, 1877). Paula H. Song, ... Ann S. McAlearney, in International Encyclopedia of Public Health (Second Edition), 2017. Originally, stoneware filters were packed with sand and charcoal but in 1835 Doulton introduced their first gravity fed clay filter element for treating water prior to drinking. Requires knowledge of either ligand or receptor. Targets factors expressed during infection. He undertook a study of anthrax which afflicted sheep flocks in his district. Using the word theory in this way is different from the way it is used in science. Lacks sensitivity, and can be laborious. That story is well told in Alan Jackson's chapter on rabies in this volume (see Chapter 29). Similar filter candles are still produced today although they can also incorporate a germicidal layer of silver on the inside of the candle while the centre is packed with activated carbon to absorb trace contaminants. Only a subset of infection-induced genes encode pathogenicity factors. A scientific theory is not just a guess or hunch that may or may not be true. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. Rapid and simple method of identifying pathogenicity genes. Identifies pathogenicity genes that are transiently induced or induced at a low level in host tissues. One way in which hospitals have competed for market share has been through the acquisition of the latest technology and the construction of state-of-the-art facilities. Can identify essential factors. In reality, a much larger microbial world exists, made up of microbes that do not grow in conventional culture. Fracastoro proposed that contagious diseases are caused by transferable "seed-like entities," which we now call germs. The demonstration of organisms in the air had a direct benefit in human medicine by the development of sterile surgical technique. Proponents of mergers between not-for-profit hospitals also argued that not-for-profits seek to maximize the welfare of their communities rather than to exercise market power, and that increased competition could adversely affect the amount of charity care provided by the hospitals to indigent patients (Gaynor and Vogt, 2000). His work caught the attention of Ferdinand Cohn, a prominent botanist, who published Koch's report in his journal Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen in 1876 (Carter, 1987; Brock, 1999). Doesn't require genetic manipulation. Invariably, at one or more of these stages, bacterial-produced toxins and/or the host immune response result in damage to host tissues or organs and give rise to pathology. The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. Germ theory of disease was formulated by (A) Robert Koch (B) Louis Pasteur (C) Edward Jenner (D) Christian Gram Short Questions Define water blooms. His dramatic presentation at the Sorbonne in 1864 using swan-necked flasks demonstrated the presence of microorganisms in the air as the source of microbial growth (Dubos, 1998). Indeed, it has been advocated that human beings should be envisaged as a man–microbe symbiotic supraorganism, endowed with a supragenome, which should be considered as a whole, instead of addressing just the host's genome [6]. Fannie Hesse served as a technician and illustrator for her husband, Walter Hesse. They believed that miasma, which is identifiable by its foul smell, emanates from rotting organic matter and sickens people who live close enough to inhale it. With the rapid development of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, culture-independent microbial ecology analysis has become feasible. Rather than receive fixed budgets, public hospitals must compete to attract funding from public payers. For example, you might say, "I think a woodchuck dug this hole in the ground, but it's just a theory." The information garnered has been extremely helpful in combating many diseases and has shed light on the persistence of pathogenic bacteria in the absence of a human host. A scientific theory is a broad explanation that is widely accepted because it is strongly supported by a great deal of evidence. What causes the common cold? For some direct selections only a subset of mutations will be in pathogenicity genes. Allows multiple mutant strains to be screened per host animal. Koch's motto from his early student days was “never idle” (“nunquam otiosus”) (Brock, 1999). These internal markets seek to separate payer from provider, even within the public sector. Hospitals compete for market share by negotiating contracts with private insurance companies and managed care organizations. Sand filtration was being used as early as 1685 for treating surface waters, but the first water treatment plant (WTP) to serve an entire town was built in Paisley (Scotland, UK) in 1804. Yuhan Hao, ... Stuart M. Brown, in Methods in Microbiology, 2017. Is usually laborious. Requires prior knowledge of pathogenicity factors to serve as query sequences. 15.2). Koch based his principles on empiric research. Disputes were to rage over the causes of these diseases, particularly over the etiology of tuberculosis. Can identify factors essential for viability. Lacks sensitivity and can be laborious. In the 21th century, the growth of multiresistant pathogens increasingly threatens mankind with a return to the preantibiotic past. They are visible only under microscopes. Some of the earliest evidence was provided by the Dutch lens and microscope maker Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who discovered microorganisms. These small organisms, too small to see without magnification, invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts. Cannot identify redundant pathogenicity factors. 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