skills of inclusive teaching

I understand these methods help certain students. Some of the most traditional and common teaching methods — lecturing, cold-calling — aren’t very inclusive, at least as they are commonly done. Be careful not to overshare or sidetrack your class sessions, but it’s OK to strategically place a photo of your pet somewhere that students can see, or to offer an insight about yourself that is relevant to a class topic. Support Important Life Skills. Cooperative learning and peer tutoring: Strategies for inclusive education. Equally important as creating an inclusive environment is using different teaching strategies to make learning accessible to every student. Both of us have found that students devour anything we share about our home lives, favorite TV-show binges, and the like. In this way, inclusive education can capture ideas from the real life and experiences in each child. When we as faculty members include more students in the learning, we empower them to achieve and show that we care about them and their sense of belonging. Understanding how course climate impacts students and their learning is increasingly important to faculty and administrators alike across a wide range of educational contexts. Including all students in activities. To ensure we can deliver an equal experience and opportunity to succeed to all learners we must identify Inclusive d igital skills … When assignments are optional, compliance will vary and you risk exacerbating differences in study skills, background knowledge, and the like. Yes. Besides teaching content and skills in your discipline, your role is to help students learn. Some students have been trained to seize every attempt to practice, while others haven’t — and that, in turn, can contribute to achievement gaps. Moving towards new pedagogy for inclusive education within UK universities. They may come to love our disciplines as much, maybe even more, than we do and to pay it forward. Illustration by Nien-Ken Alec Lu for The Chronicle, Viji Sathy is a teaching associate professor of psychology and neuroscience and an administrator in the office of undergraduate education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. An inclusion teacher is a special education teacher who works with inclusion students. At the next session, you could follow up by suggesting some changes based on their feedback. develop effective communication skills in classroom; promote participants’ learning and professional development; engage participants in cooperative group work; promote the European Dimension in education, by encouraging teacher mobility and school partnerships If you have an issue around inclusive teaching that you can’t resolve by speaking to your students, there are several sources that can help. (1995). In a statistics course, a military veteran might be interested in how data can be analyzed to compare civilian and military life. Students and their parents participate in setting learning goals and take part in decisions that affect them. Benefits of inclusive education include an opportunity for special-needs students to learn team work skills while heightening their sense of belonging in the school community. Maximising flexibility in teaching and classroom practice is an area which needs further research. Teacher’s education is essential to implement the concept of inclusive education for the differently abled children; consequently it is essential to train all teachers in same way to enhance their skills and update their knowledge. Try to find out as early as possible who is going to be on your course. Unfortunately, taking steps to interact with students more inclusively in your classroom might not be enough to reach students like Michael who are at risk because of the way a course is organized — too much emphasis on lecture, too few assignments, too much of the grade based on a single paper, midterm, or final exam. (Dessemontet, Bless, & Morin, 2012) Some instructors make the mistake of equating inclusive teaching with introducing current events or “diversity issues” into, say, a math course. Back when one of us (Kelly) was trying out new ways to break up a long lecture, a colleague observing the course said, “You use silence in the classroom so well. ... Information on the Inclusive Education website is regularly updated so we recommend you check the website version of this information to … In a recent essay in The Chronicle, Sarah Rose Cavanagh reminds us that anxiety is a huge barrier to learning. enables all students to take part in learning and fulfil their potential, ensures different students’ learning needs and preferences are met, regardless of their backgrounds, learning styles or abilities. Is that something I should be doing? Make sure that all your students can be heard and are encouraged to participate. We hope the concrete steps we’ve outlined here provide a road map to make sure your classroom interactions and course design reach all students. The Department of Education and Skills participated in the development of the strategy and is a member of the Steering Group which was established to oversee the implementation of the new strategy. You can downplay high-stakes work by: (1) allowing students to drop one or two of their worst scores on exams, assignments, or quizzes; (2) letting students replace an earlier score with a cumulative final grade; and (3) replacing some of the weight of high-stakes work with smaller, more frequent assessments. The three common principles of inclusive teaching speak to the heart of good teaching matters: • There is a diversity of learners and ways of learning, which need to be taken into account Get every student involved through techniques such as group work and peer learning. Michael would benefit from more practice — that is, more low-stakes writing assignments and quizzes, and more-frequent feedback. Their very diversity may seem overwhelming at times, but you can reach more of them by sharpening the structure of your syllabus, assignments, tests, and pedagogy. We and others have seen positive changes on all kinds of metrics, including narrowed achievement gaps, increased interest in our disciplines, fewer students off-task in our classrooms, and more students expressing their thanks at the end of a semester. Inclusive teaching means recognizing, meeting and adapting to the learning needs of all students, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability or sexual orientation. All content in … You’re not alone in believing that your course is unique in having too much content to make any changes. We’ll get to the specific strategies shortly, but first the theory. You don’t have to experience it to sympathize with it. STATE LEVEL WORKSHOP ON INCLUSIVE EDUCATION From 24/09/2013 to 26/09/2013 2. But when we talk about teaching inclusively, we choose to focus on the teaching methods that apply to all courses. Connected Curriculum Our framework for research-based education at UCL. Provide flexibility in how students demonstrate their knowledge and how you assess this, by varying the assignment type (for example presentation, lab report, reflective portfolio) and allowing choice in assignments, where appropriate (for example between topics or allowing students to set their own questions). Students like Michael might not realize that they are struggling to retain the material until they fail the first exam. Principle No. • Communication It is important for inclusion teachers to advocate the needs of their special education students by ensuring that resources such as peer tutoring, instructional assistants, team teaching and staff development opportunities are available along with consistent policies that assess the individual student's progress. We teach small-sized courses as well as large ones filled with hundreds of students seated before us in neat little rows. Instead of hand-holding, we prefer the word “structure.” Without structure in any situation, you leave it up to chance whether your goals are accomplished. In our experience, all students appreciate and thrive from additional structure, and some benefit disproportionately. Imagine you were asked to be part of a grant-writing team in which you had only a vague idea about how much time it would take and what a successful proposal would look like. In addition to developing the skills of professionals before entering the workforce, it is essential that teachers already teaching be provided skills and techniques for inclusive education. a) The key features of inclusive teaching and learning. Principle Four: Engaging with all your critical stakeholders. Dash, N. (2006) Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs. Putting yourself in students’ shoes and asking, “Why should I care?” can lead to deeper learning in your course and your discipline. subscribe to that impacts upon inclusive education and teacher education. Michael is an engaged student who is comfortable in class and in discussions, but he’s feeling like a fraud because he received a failing grade on his first paper. They belong in your classroom, and you care about them. Inclusive teaching and learning recognises the wider value of diversity to society The world is facing severe challenges and “needs people to undertake the challenges – people from different backgrounds, ideals, beliefs, abilities and ways of thinking. Put all your teaching materials on Moodle (UCL’s online learning environment) well before your teaching sessions so that your students can access these and prepare themselves. Try to be aware of your own biases when choosing teaching material – offer as diverse a range of opinions as possible. Rather, you are obtaining evidence about the learning of all students, equally. You will have your share of Vanessas, Michaels, and plenty of other types of students. But it’s worth the risk. It’s the versatile little black dress of inclusive teaching. method to test significant relationship among teachers’ knowledge, attitude, and skills in inclusive education and pupils formative and periodical test performance. 18 KAIRARANGA – VOLUME 9, ISSUE 2: 2008 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION They need to know what success looks like in your class. In a truly inclusive setting, every child feels safe and has a sense of belonging. The inclusive education agenda focuses on developing the knowledge and skills of school staff to give schools clearer guidance and specialist support to better … To counter it, one of the simplest things you can do is talk about a growth mind-set in class. Inclusive teaching means recognizing, meeting and adapting to the learning needs of all students, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability or sexual orientation. Model sharing pronouns. Friendships; Increased social initiations, relationships and networks; Peer role models for academic, social and behavior skills This starts with acknowledging that students are members of diverse communities, have different individual learning needs and unequal opportunity To ensure we can deliver an equal experience and opportunity to succeed to all learners we must identify Inclusive d igital skills … Social stories are a tried and tested way of teaching social skills but for some learners they are too much. Use a variety of instructional formats. As the instructor, you know that good ideas can come from any student. 47.1% of students with disabilities in general education made progress in math, compared to 34% in self-contained classes. In many courses, the days after the first exam can be stressful. RAJIVE GANDHI SHIKSHA MISSION RAIPUR, C.G. Traditional teaching methods do not serve all students well. Choose a few student personae and come up with links to content, readings, and skills that might be compelling to them. The principles of inclusive teaching and learning are also informed by good teaching practice and environments that humanise the learning experience. If you need any further motivation, consider a comment one of us received from a first-generation college student: “Believe it or not, when I walked into the start of this class, I was defeated and didn’t believe in myself. distribution of grades throughout the group. Some students might feel worried about the results, or even doubt their abilities. Perhaps you are starting to see how the same strategy in an inclusive-teaching toolkit can work to reach a diverse mix of students. The act will enhance the inclusive character of the Albanian educational system by creating the conditions for the implementation of an inclusive quality education. JISC, Supporting an inclusive learning experience. As a result, whenever they pose a question to students, it seems like an afterthought rather than something intentionally baked into the course design. Now he’s in a required course for his major that involves more analytical writing and expects him to apply concepts. These core values are associated with areas of teacher competence. Consider using Lecturecast, a system for recording lectures and making them available online. Degrees of Choice: Social Class, Race and Gender in Higher Education. Ensure you know which students have extra needs and what specific reasonable adjustments you will have to make. 3 Key Principles of Inclusive Teaching. When inclusion is done well, everyone in the class benefits. It can also trigger innovative dissertation topics. The respondents of the One of our favorite words to use on this front is “yet,” as in: “I haven’t learned how to do X well yet, but I’ll get there!”. In an inclusive … Tell the class, “I’ll give you two minutes to think or write silently, and then I’ll prompt you to pair up with your classmates.” Be prepared to repeat that every time you use this technique. As you introduce content in your course, constantly ask yourself: “Why should a student care about this?” Consider your own material and the diversity of students in the class. A mistake that many rookie instructors make (and plenty of experienced ones, too) is to talk through an entire class meeting. Inclusive teaching is an issue that has received increased attention on college campuses around the country and around the world. When a student like Michael has difficulty with the course TTQs, he has evidence that he doesn’t yet understand the material and needs extra support. Respect for all people. Follow those “rules” and you might have students actually thank you, as ours have, often along the lines of, “Structure Matters: Twenty-One Teaching Strategies to Promote Student Engagement and Cultivate Classroom Equity,”. Teacher’s education is essential to implement the concept of inclusive education for the differently abled children; consequently it is essential to train all teachers in same way to enhance their skills and update their knowledge. The key is to be explicit about it. It’s important that, in course design, we practice what we preach. Initiatives and resources supporting the objectives of UCL's Education Strategy 2016-21. If we’re really fortunate, they’ll make a home in our disciplines and help tackle the biggest challenges. Inclusive teaching strategies refer to any number of teaching approaches that address the needs of students with a variety of backgrounds, learning modalities, and abilities. But progress comes slowly. Consider using diverse assessment methods and help students to understand the standard of work they are expected to produce. I needed a way to remind a student of the rules but in a way that didn't single them out as being the focus of the story. Even more poignantly, they thanked her for not feeling that she had to mask being sad — it provided a model, they said, for how to do the same with their peers. Each person’s race, gender, sexual orientation, gender … The benefits of inclusive education are numerous for both students with and without disabilities. Hockings, C. (2010) Inclusive learning and teaching in higher education: a synthesis of research, York: Higher Education Academy. London: Trentham Books. W e’ll get to the specific strategies shortly, but first the theory. One of us (Viji) recalls the first time she heard about “impostor syndrome” — the feeling that you don’t belong on a college campus and might be found out as a fraud despite your accomplishments. Pre-University Education. But the result is that all students leave class with a set of minimal notes, a clearer idea of the main points, and an expert’s example of how ideas fit and flow together. The same is true of learning: More structure means more students will engage and learn from you and their peers. Author content. So the second major question to ask yourself is: Who is being left behind by my course design? For example, using objects, images and video can be more engaging and accessible for students than always having text-based materials (see the toolkit on active learning). Talk with folks in your campus teaching-and-learning center about data you might want to track and how to analyze it. It benefits all students because it values their individual strengths and contributions and makes the learning experience richer and more diverse for everyone. This link takes you to the Object-based learning section on the UCL Culture website. If those things are lacking, that will be a source of anxiety and tension for some students (for example, those who work, are parents, or have learning differences) more than others. Inclusive education involves transforming the whole education system - legislation and policy, systems for financing, administration, design, delivery and monitoring of education, and the way schools are organized. Gibson, S. (2015) When rights are not enough: What is? Inclusive Education and Life Skills. Since then we’ve shared the idea with many instructors who found the tip useful. Check whether all students look engaged in teaching sessions and be alert to student behaviour that could indirectly feedback on whether your teaching is as inclusive as possible. Kids often enjoy bringing things to share with their classmates, … Students may be particularly receptive after a challenging assignment or a midterm exam. Sign up to the monthly UCL education e-newsletter to get the latest teaching news, events & resources. Inclusive Education & Its Implication in Classroom Teaching 1. Teaching inclusively means embracing student diversity in all forms — race, ethnicity, gender, disability, socioeconomic background, ideology, even personality traits like introversion — as an asset. 3 Education and skills for inclusive and sustainable development beyond 2015 1. All three principles convey the same message: You, as the instructor, have the control to create experiences that level the playing field in your classroom. W e’ll get to the specific strategies shortly, but first the theory. But don’t they harm the ones who don’t need this kind of assistance? Teachers can be benefited by the approach of Inclusive education … Her Twitter handle is, Kelly A. Hogan is associate dean of instructional innovation and a STEM teaching professor in biology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Coming back to our party analogy, the extroverted party lover is going to mingle and meet people in either a low- or high-structure event. Inclusive Education (2016: 32) emphases how the “effective” implementation of inclusive education does not depend solely on countries’ economic development or possibilities of dedicating a high amount of resources to inclusive education. Understand the Advantages You’re Born With. Moving towards new pedagogy for inclusive education within UK universities, UCL Arena Centre for Research-based Education, Sign up to the monthly UCL education e-newsletter. Send a note congratulating students who were successful on an early exam or paper or who substantially improved. The UCL Inclusive Curriculum Healthcheck can help you ensure that all students, regardless of background are able to participate fully and achieve at equal rates. Creating an inclusive classroom climatewhere all students are encouraged to participate, by learning ab… Skip that question this semester and use it next semester, after you have revised your objectives. 1. What inclusive teaching means. With recent technological developments, reaching out to a truly global audience has become ever more possible for credit-bearing programmes or the growing field of life learning (CPD, short courses etc). This all sounds good, but does it actually work? Inclusive teaching means teaching in a way that: Inclusive teaching also means not discriminating against students – directly or indirectly – because of their: Inclusive teaching is part of UCL’s Equality and Diversity Strategy 2015–2020. When a single exam or a paper carries a lot of weight, you risk letting that one experience or day wreak havoc on a student’s grade. Share some of who you are as a person. A few years ago, when we led a campus discussion on how to create an inclusive learning environment, we were struck by the simplicity of the requests from students. For example, many women had an interest in biology, so the computer-science department added a section of its introductory course related entirely to applications in biology. For example, if Michael has a false sense of confidence about his understanding or is not managing his time well, he may decide not to participate in an optional study guide. Having trouble pronouncing some names? Vanessa is a gifted student in a class with a Socratic approach — a low-structure method of class participation. When you talk content, and only content, you run the risk of losing a human connection with them. Student retention and success in higher education: a Higher Education Academy enhancement workstream on inclusive teaching. At the beginning of the semester, ask students what makes them feel included in a course. The changing demographics of higher education mean that undergraduates come to you with a wide variety of experiences, cultures, abilities, skills, and personalities. Explain to students how being inclusive can benefit the whole class. Here are some quick answers to typical questions we hear about inclusive teaching. For example, in a biology course, a student from a farming town might be interested in how research in the discipline transformed pest control in crops. Of course you should offer diverse content, texts, guest speakers, and so on, where they’re relevant, and there’s been plenty of talk about that in academe. You simply need to remind students: “You belong here.” If it feels comfortable to do so, share a time when you felt like a fraud. Individual strengths and contributions and makes the learning of all students appreciate and thrive from additional structure, some! 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