
Publications by the Bishops of Mexico regarding the Current Events in Our Country

  • STOP THE CORRUPTION!: Statement by the Permanent Council of the Mexican Episcopate, Mexico CITY, February 17, 2015


An official statement in which the bishops express their concerns about the evil of corruption, “that allows impunity and illicit gain, that harms the public’s confidence in public institutions – especially regarding the administration of justice and the investment of public funds. Few citizens receive clarity, equality, and effective treatment in these realms” (“The Church in America”, N. 23).

CEM B. 178 / 2015.


  • WE’VE HAD ENOUGH! Message from the Bishops of Mexico


In this message the bishops express their worries about the violence, the deaths, and the disappearances that are happening in Mexico. “We do not want more suffering or shame. As Mexicans, we share the pain and sorrow of the families whose children are dead or disappeared in Iguala or in Tlatlaya. We lament that they make up the thousands of anonymous victims throughout many regions of our country.” Mexico City, Nov. 12, 2014. CEM B. 160 / 2014.

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