Our Mission

The Missionaries of the Holy Spirit have been sent to encourage holiness among the People of God through the spirit of Christ Priest and Victim. In this way we extend the reign of the Holy Spirit.

Our desire is to encourage holiness that is like Jesus’ holiness: prophetic, liberating, and pertinent. Living like Jesus implies sharing his dispositions to contemplation and compassion, to faithfulness and justice.

The Holy Spirit is the only sanctifier. Therefore, his Missionaries must collaborate with him in the sanctification of all women and men, helping each individual fulfill her or his specific mission.

With the Church, we try to know and understand better the world that we live in: its history, its culture, its hopes and aspirations. We want to make our own the joys and hopes, the sorrows and difficulties of the men and women of our times. Especially, we seek solidarity with the poor. With all, we struggle to build a more just and humane world where we can live as sons and daughters of God, as he plans for us.

Our specific contribution to the fostering of the priestly people is the promotion of a living experience of our common priesthood:


  • That means a commitment to following Christ Priest and Victim, who gives his live for his sisters and brothers for the growth of the kingdom of God,
  •  That is made current and present to us in the Eucharist and in the existential expression of making our lives a Eucharist.


“Our Work, like that of Jesus and his disciples, is a work of apostleship. But, apostleship is not, as most people think of it, a human endeavor. Rather, it is an endeavor in which God himself desires to work through us. Therefore we all, and each, must understand our individual role in the Congregation. And, more importantly, we must understand the role of the Congregation in the universal Church: Jesus, Jesus, always Jesus working, in union with Mary, through the Missionaries.”


“The Congregation’s role, and that of each of us, is to seek the will of God before all else, allowing ourselves to be built and broken. God, God, God, first and always God, his will in everything.”


Félix de Jesús Rougier, MSpS.


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