Our Charism for People

Those to whom the MSpS are dedicated


“We should not be indifferent to anything related to the priesthood.”

These words of Our Founder demonstrate a clear priority. Our mission is dedicated primarily to priests. Priests are in positions of primary responsibility to guide and teach the Priestly People. Priests are called to be transformed in Christ, who is the Head and the Shepherd of the Church. Thus, the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit dedicate themselves to the service of priests as best as they can, according to their personal and communal strengths and resources.


We also work with the religious, sisters and brothers. Religious are called to holiness through a special call from the Lord which they live out in the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, and obedience. We encourage religious to live their particular charism in the spirit of Christ Priest and Victim.


We help the laity to live out their daily priesthood, to sanctify their daily actions of managing temporal matters, and to work through the cross of Christ for the evangelical transformation of the world.

The Poor

Although everyone deserves our pastoral interest, we serve the poor and the weak with particular attention and empathy. Christ identified himself with the poor and the weak. We support them by helping them to be agents of their own liberation.

We want to promote a new image of priesthood specifically for ordained priests. This image includes that a priest be:

A man of God, and of faith and vision,

  • More brotherly, open and friendly,
  • A promoter of community and participation,
  • Active in solidarity with the poor,
  • More open and involved in social and political realms,
  • More evangelical and impassioned for the Kingdom of God

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